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  • #346572

    Hi there,

    since last update of Enfold i have a problem with responsive design. The error happens only on Tablet (not on Smartphone) and only in landscape mode not in portrait mode.
    The problem occurs by the Layer Slider which will not appear full screen in landscape mode and for this reason cut off some elements like text and graphics on the border.
    The other problem is, that the mobile menu is activated in Enfold theme for Smartphones and Tablets but on Tablet it works only in portrait mode not in landscape mode.
    Before updating to 3.0.2 everything works fine. Have you any idea?

    Thanks for help …


    Hi cvweb!

    It’s displaying fine on my Nexus 7 tablet. What tablet are you using and what is it’s resolution? If your tablet has a high resolution then there should be enough space for the menu to display as it normally does and it will not change to the responsive menu.

    Go ahead and take some screenshots of what your seeing with the slider so we can get a better idea of what’s going on.


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    I don’t have that specific device to test on. I’ll flag this for the rest of our team to take a look.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliott,

    any news from the team? My customer ist pushing me to fix the thing.

    Thx for your help



    Please change value of the “responsive under” setting in the slider options, like Kriesi answered on this post:

    If you give us admin access we could have a deeper look into the issue, but I think what Kriesi mentioned above should work for you.

    Best regards,

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    please change value of “Layers container” (below “Responsive under”) to something like 940.
    That should work.


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    Hi Christian!

    Mobile menu is displayed on screens smaller than 990px and some of the tablets have 1024px width on landscape mode. That is expected behaviour. Some other users asked if it would be possible to activate mobile menu on bigger screen sizes. Please feel free to request such feature here or vote if already requested –


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