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  • #1405551

    Hey everyone!

    I am prototyping a system and trying to find a way to really streamline the number of image sizes needed on a site. I am using a previously recommended plugin called Simple Image Sizes, and while trying to experiment with removing some of the sizes, they seem to keep coming back. While I cannot be sure if any of this is due to theme requirements, or not, I wanted to find out the necessary image sizes for the theme. I would really like to take it down to just using the following sizes:

    Note: Retain items in Bold, Remove items in Italic

    Size name Width Height Crop ?
    thumbnail 495 px 400 px Yes
    medium 990 px 800 px No
    medium_large 768 px 0 px No
    large 1920 px 1080 px No
    1536×1536 1536 px 1536 px No
    2048×2048 2048 px 2048 px No
    widget 180 px 180 px Yes
    square 180 px 180 px Yes
    featured 1500 px 430 px Yes
    featured_large 1500 px 630 px Yes
    extra_large 1920 px 1080 px No
    portfolio 990 px 800 px Yes
    portfolio_small 495 px 400 px Yes
    gallery 990 px 800 px Yes
    magazine 990 px 800 px Yes
    masonry 990 px 800 px No
    entry_with_sidebar 845 px 321 px Yes
    entry_without_sidebar 1210 px 423 px Yes
    medium_large 768 px 0 px No

    Is it possible to remove some of these (at least the ones where Enfold is concerned)?

    If so, how do I keep them from reappearing in the list?


    Hey Jason,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Have you considered using this plugin instead? It should allow you to disable registered thumbnails that come with the theme.


    Please keep in mind that when the specified thumbnail is not available, WordPress will automatically use the original or full-size image as a fallback option. Therefore, disabling all thumbnails may negatively impact the loading speed of your website.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Ismael, for the suggestion. I will take a look at that.

    What I was really hoping for was clarification on what sizes Enfold is responsible for and/or drawing from. Some of them appear to be directly associated with Enfold and others, it is har to tell the source.

    Thank you again for any help and guidance,


    Follow-up question…

    Looking at Image Sizes Controller, this appears to be very similar to the other plugin, but it only has a handful of users, compared to Simple Image Sizes, which has a rather large installed base. Have you encountered problems with SIS, versus the ISC? Functionally, I don’t see much difference to what I am looking to do between the two plugins, other than interface and conditional, which I am not sure I want the overhead for. I would really like to better understand your recommendation more.



    Have a look in our theme options page -> Performance -> Responsive Images (check it) -> Image Thumbnails Info

    There you have an overview of the registered image sizes and if they are registered by Enfold.

    You can also have a look in enfold/functions.php around line 264ff and filter ‘avf_modify_thumb_size’ to deregister file sizes not needed.

    Hope this helps you.

    Best regards,

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