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  • #400975

    I have requested this in the past, but of late, it seems even more necessary. We need a single place within the support forums that details all of the compatibility with both current and previous versions of WP and Enfold. We want to upgrade to 4.1.1, but after doing searches on the forum for 4.1.1, we see lots of potential issues. Some are resolved, some are not, but all of them are in different places that have to be searched to be found. A member of your support staff suggested just looking at Themeforest to confirm compatibility, but that does not answer all of the questions.

    We need something better.

    We need a single, centralized place that detail what versions are compatible and if there are potential or confirmed issues, we can all know without digging through post after post. Other themes and theme developers have this and as important as Enfold is, we are asking you to seriously consider making it a priority.


    Hey solarmediapro!

    I think looking at the version on themeforest is the best way. If there is an important bug introduced in a WordPress update then we usually have a new update pushed to themeforest within the day and we update the compatibility information there.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Elliott.

    I respectfully, but wholeheartedly disagree. There is no way to tell what conflicts people (purchasers of Enfold) are seeing, nor how people are working around them.

    Case in point. How about 4.1.1? 4.1 took a bit and there was confusion on compatibility. Is it really that hard to have a single place in the forum that talks about compatibility? We’re not asking you to create a compatibility chart for every single version of WP and Enfold going back to 1. We are just asking for a current version or two compatibility. Just saying a version gives NO discovery, no insight, no reproducibility, nothing, just a version number.

    With the assault on WP from a security standpoint, we need as much information as possible. When WP comes out with a new version, people should not have to scour the forums to know what works and what does not. There are a lot of us with tons of installs we are managing that would be happy to provide quick feedback, but would also relish in the fact of a single place to know what to expect.

    We are the people in the trenches out here, selling and supporting your themes. We’re asking for a little tool to help us help you. If it were a huge ordeal, I would not have asked. But this is a simple sticky post that pertains to one subject – compatibility.



    We have reported this request to Kriesi. Unfortunately, for now, you have to check the theme change log or if you’re worried about a certain issue, search the forum. The best thing to do is to create two instance of the website, production and development. Update the development side of the website first, you will then know if the update causes any issues to the site. If it does, well then you have to fix it or come to us. We’ll try our best to help. If not, then you can update the production site.


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