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  • #161683


    I found some SSL problem of Enfold.

    I set up SSL my domain but only using Enfold theme had some problem as follow;

    1. favicon URL never change from http to https. <= This is not critical but have to be change.

    2. I checked my site by http://www.whynopadlock.com/ and found one insecure items as follow;

    Insecure URL: http://mydomain.com/wp-content/themes/enfold/images/background-images/ios-linen-light.png
    Found in: https://mydomain.com/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/enfold.css

    I checked enfold.css and found;

    I think this url function must be output like this

    I’m not web design specialist but I found it.

    Please modify these problem.

    Thank you


    • This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by anchantw.

    Hi anchantw,

    You can use this plugin to change all content to use HTTPS over HTTP in the meantime: http://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-https/

    The background images sounds like its a user uploaded one or possible added in via the Quick CSS field (which gets saved to the enfold.css file in the dynamic upload folder). If that is the case then you can modify it in the css. If not, then it just needs its method changed for custom uploads in the style editor.

    Both will be fixed with the above plugin however though neither actually effect the security of using SSL.




    Hi Devin,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Of course I installed and use wordpress-https, if never use it nobody can access SSL on WordPress.

    But two problem I found do not change yet by wordpress-https.

    Now I modified directly enfold.css and used another plugin to fix favicon url problem.

    Anyway please recheck what wrong is.

    Thank you



    What is the url for your site? I’d like to take a look at it live and inspect the issues as well.



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