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  • #467089

    Hello enfold people :)

    long time i did not have any issue like that..

    here is the thing: i have a one page website using a full slider on the top and a full sub menu in the middle of the page, showing some post..
    ( i used a ugly trick in the loop-index.php to allow full post content to be displayed rather than only the exerpt >> by the way if you have a better -cleaner way to do this i will love to know.. )
    well the fact is that all the div under the full slider and all the div under the full sub menu have responsive issue ( they are not cropping properly, for example image and rows are getting thiner but they don’t being reordered as usual), it seems to work fine when i delete the slider and the sub i guess the problem comes from those two elements..

    tell me if you need any access to the back office, the adress is in the private content..

    thanks a lot for anyhelp .. :)


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Ben.

    Hey Ben!

    To get full posts to display drag the “Blog Posts” element to your page and in the shortcode options set it to display full content instead of excerpt. There is no need to edit the index.php file.

    Can you take a screenshot highlighting the responsive problem?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Elliott.

    hey Elliott,

    thanks for your reply,

    Of course that’s what i ‘ve tried first but unfortunately it did not work .. Actually i though that tool was made for it.. i don’t know what i’ve missed..
    Do you think my responsive issue could be relative to that change i’ve made in the loop-index.php ?





    Possibly. Go ahead and completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest and send us a WordPress login.

    Also, a screenshot highlighting the responsive problem will be helpful.

    Best regards,


    Hey Eliott,

    Don’t you think all my work will be lost if i completely delete Enfold before using the new fresh upload ?
    i ‘ve made the last update and any files i have change ( style.css and loop-index.php ) comes from the childtheme..

    picture of the troubleshooting is linked, as you can see images are reducing without reordering.. .they should reorganise like this : first row then second row then third row and not the three rows stretching…
    i think the probleme comes frome the slider and the full sub menu from the fact that when i delete the full slider, it works properly… but i don’t know what to do to fix it..

    thanks for your help..




    your content should be kept in your database, so deleting all theme files won’t effect much. However make sure to have a backup.

    I see an error on Chrome console belonging to your custom.css. Check if you have correct code in it and follow instructions by Elliott (get a fresh copy from themeforest account).

    Not sure what you want to have instead, so can you explain or show us a screenshot of what you are trying to achieve on mobile devices? because then we can provide you some precise CSS code.



    Hey Andy,

    I do not use the custom.css file, i have created a theme child and i’ve set a style.css file in it..

    I just want my content to be displayed as usual, cause it seems that there is a bug.. like i tried to explain, content streching instead of reorganizing in a vertical display..and that’s why i can only provide some screenshot of what goes wrong.. :(

    well i will try deleting and reuploading the last enfold version i have DL..

    i let you know if that change anything

    thanks guys



    Please let us know if you have any luck with updating or not.



    Hey Rikard,

    I just have deleted the enfold repertories and reupload the fresh new one, and it change nothing.. :(
    i ‘m pretty sure the probleme is coming from full elements as ‘full slider’ and ‘full sub menu’.. because when i delete those elements, it’s working perfectly..
    i don’t how is it possible, but i guess that all the content below those two elements is acting the same way as ‘full slider’ and ‘full sub menu’ in responsive mode, which is stretching.. whereas we want them to reorganize in only one row..( not displaying the 3 rows and stretching them, that much that we can no more read any text or see the pictures..)

    thanks for any help ..



    Woooohooo i just found where the issue came from..!!

    I just change wordpress settings to set the home page as a static page and not “last posts” + change the post page which was the same of my home page.. well that was dumb..but it works perfectly now..

    thanks for the help guys.. !! :)



    Thanks for posting your solution. Let us know if you have any other questions.


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