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  • #23698

    Hello. For our header I need to insert an icon for a niche social network that’s not available in Entypo. I think I have 2 options

    a) Modify the font file and replace, say, email or RSS with my icon.

    b) Tweak some code and add the individual icon as a png.

    Are there any other options? What do recommend and where should I look for the needed files?



    Any help would be greatly appreciated, is this change even possible?


    Hi HammerbyGB,

    I’m not really sure about either option at the moment but I’ve tagged Peter and Kriesi on the topic so hopefully they can shed some light on it.




    Open up wp-contentthemesenfoldincludeshelper-social-media.php and replace:

    $html .= "<a {$blank} href='".$icon['social_icon_link']."' class='avia-font-entypo-fontello'>".$avia_config['font_icons'][$icon['social_icon']]."</a>";


    if($icon['social_icon'] == 'rss'){
    $html .= "<a {$blank} href='".$icon['social_icon_link']."' class='avia-font-entypo-fontello'><img src='http://mywebsite.com/image.jpg' alt='' /></a>";
    $html .= "<a {$blank} href='".$icon['social_icon_link']."' class='avia-font-entypo-fontello'>".$avia_config['font_icons'][$icon['social_icon']]."</a>";

    and instead of http://mywebsite.com/image.jpg insert the path to your image/icon.


    Hello Dude. My helper-social-media.php seems to be missing that line. I’m using theme version 1.3.1. I’ll update the theme and try this. Thanks



    I hope it worked out?

    Best regards,


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