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  • #534626

    Hey everyone,

    I am wondering if i can achieve the following:

    In blog there is an image shown on the left. What i want is to remove that image and replace it with the date of the post, or move all the meta on the left.

    You can see something similar here

    Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by mike.rav.

    Hey george!

    We can point you in the right direction for this but to get it looking exactly like your screenshot would take a lot of time and code and would have to be considered custom work.

    Around line 140 in the /enfold/includes/loop-index.php file you can see where the small preview image is displayed.

    $blog_meta_output = "<a href='{$link}' class='small-preview' title='{$featured_img_desc}'>".$slider.$icon."</a>";

    What your wanting is to replace that with the date so you can keep using the_time(),, to display certain parts of the date to create that look.



    Thanks for the reply.

    I understand what you mean, i just wanted the right direction :)

    well i found the line, and used the following

    $blog_meta_output = "<?php echo get_the_time(); ?>".$slider.$icon."";

    but the date is not displayed, i tried various formats and date codes, but none work. Am i not placing it correctly?


    Hey, sorry to bump this, but can you help?



    Please change your code to following one

    $blog_meta_output = get_the_time(get_option('date_format')).$slider.$icon;

    Best regards,



    Thanks for this it works.

    Is it possible though to get each component of date individually?

    For example: get_the_time (only month), get_the_time (only year), get_the_time (only day), in order to wrap them in span classes and style them accordingly.



    That would look something like this.

    $blog_meta_output = "<span>".get_the_time('d')."</span><span>".get_the_time('Y')."</span>".$slider.$icon;

    Best regards,


    Wow, exactly what i wanted, thank you so much for this!

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