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  • #693913

    Can i rename the (…/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/) enfold.css into mystyle.css ?
    How can i do this?




    Hey doroth,

    If you change the name of the file, you need to change the name path in any other file that may reference the file as well.

    Best regards,


    …path in any other files???



    Almost all the files in enfold has a reference to this file changing that would take a very long time and may cause a conflict in the future when you update the theme. We recommend not to change the file name.

    Let us know the reason why you want to change it and if there is any alternate solution we are happy to help you with it.

    Best regards,


    i dont want see the name enfold.css in the source code…



    I’m sorry to say but there is no easy way to do this at the moment.
    However if you like to change the enfold name that appears in the wordpress admin sidebar it is possible by changing the theme info in the child theme styles.css

    Let us know if you have more question we are happy to help :)

    Best regards,


    well i thought that there was allready questions like that.
    And for “resellers” webdesigners which does not want that their customers recognize which theme etc is used – this might be helpful:

    add_filter('avia_dyn_stylesheet_file_path', 'avia_change_filename');
    function avia_change_filename($stylesheet){
    return 'myfilename.css';

    you can see it here on documentation of enfold:

    to re-name this file to better reflect your own branding



    Thanks for sharing that @Guenni007 :-)



    But if you have setup your theme first with enfold you have to think of a few things

    rename folder: enfold and enfold-child to something you like
    open for each style.css and change things there too: f.e. for rename to “Elegant”

    child-theme style.css:

    Theme Name: Elegant Child
    Description: Childtheme fuer Elegant
    Version: 1.0
    Template: Elegant
    /*Add your own styles here:*/

    for parent theme :

    Theme Name: Elegant
    Version: 3.8

    you have to think on update to edit each time !!!

    in folder (go there with ftp) wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/
    if you make it from the beginning there will be elegant_child.css (from the example above)



    @guenni007 Thanks for sharing. 

    Best regards,

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