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  • #651378

    Hi, I’m trying to remove the default search icon. Previously it had worked out well I had added this code to the functions.php

    function remove_avia_search(){remove_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu_items’, ‘avia_append_search_nav’, 10, 2 );}
    add_action( ‘init’ , ‘remove_avia_search’ );

    But now the icon disappears but there is some text in its place. I have also tried using a css code but I get the same problem.

    /* * Hook that can be used for plugins and theme extensions (currently: the wpml language selector) */ do_action(‘avia_meta_header’);


    Hey blingblingsister,

    I’m not sure what you mean by that, I couldn’t see anything like that on your site? Could you post a screenshot of the issue please?


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