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  • #293451

    I always had remove_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize'); to my child function.php but i still get HTML characters.
    For instance :
    Try to click Twitter or Email and you will get this title:
    Composez votre univers avec Cuisines & # 0 3 8 ; Créations
    it should be
    Composez votre univers avec Cuisines & créations

    thank you




    function rm_texturize_func() {
    	remove_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize', 1000); 
    add_action( 'init', 'rm_texturize_func');



    Hi @Josue
    Sorry but it do nothing…
    I give you another URL with more special french special characters:
    The title of the post is: Bonjour c’est l’été…
    The sharing give : Bonjour c & r s q u o ;est l & r s q u o ; été& # 8 2 3 0 ;

    > I try to add your fix both a the top or bottom of my function.php


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by pako69.


    Enfold doesn’t convert “Bonjour c’est l’été” to “Bonjour c & r s q u o ;est l & r s q u o ; été& # 8 2 3 0 ;” by default. I think something else (custom code or a plugin) converts these characters. I did a quick test on my demo server (unmodified 2.9.2 version) and the share buttons work just fine with “Bonjour c’est l’été…”:

    If you want to modify the title output search for this line in wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-social-media.php

    $replace['title'] 		= !isset($this->post_data['title']) ? get_the_title() : $this->post_data['title'];

    and modify replace get_the_title() with your title code.

    Best regards,


    Hello Dude
    You are right, I tried on another fresh Enfold site and it works.

    2.9.2 version? I only know 2.9.1… It’s new?



    Maybe – tbh I don’t know if Kriesi released the 2.9.2 version on or maybe it’s a developer build only and Kriesi wants to wait some days until he releases the 2.9.2 version.

    Best regards,

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