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  • #1301767

    I want to use a fixed frame layout for my site, however, I’d like there to be NO frame at the top. I have the frame set at 50 px, but I’d like the top to be 0. Is this possible via some CSS code??


    Hey daward,

    Please provide a link to the site/page in question so we can look into this issue further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon



    Add this to quick css:


    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Unfortunately, that code also removed my header/menu area as well???



    Apologies, add this as well:

    .html_av-framed-box .av-frame.av-frame-vert {

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thanks…that works..HOWEVER (and I don’t think this is related to the above issue): when I preview the site in Chrome, it looks fine, when I preview the page in Firefox or Safari, I get this:
    chopped header

    It appears that the header is “chopped off” when viewing in browsers other than Chrome. Any ideas why?


    give this a chance ( remove the other code ):

    html.html_av-framed-box {
      padding-top: 0 !important;
    .av-frame.av-frame-top.av-frame-vert {
      height: 0 !important;

    Nope. It works perfectly in the Chrome browser, but still “chopped” in Firefox, Safari (and Tor)???
    I’ve tried doing all sorts of things to the layout and header itself, but can’t seem to get it to display properly in those browsers.


    Even when I remove all the custom code, it still is “chopped” off in those browsers….


    Actually…fixed it: had something to do with clearing the cache???
    Thanks to all who responded.


    But now you have decided to have the stretched Layout:
    Yes – you have to think about that, and it happens even with experienced users.
    So my recommendation: as long as you are still working on the site, trying out different stylings and css settings, turn off all caching you have influence on. So the merging of the css and js files in Enfold and also turn off caching plugins. The browser cache can be hard refreshed relatively quickly with key combinations depending on the browser.
    As soon as this phase is finished, you can take care of the performance.

    PS: Any image larger than 2560px will be scaled by wordpress during upload and saved as original with the name xyz-scaled.jpg.
    So in order not to inflate your upload unnecessarily, you should not upload images larger than 2560px.
    And you should choose a higher compression rate in your graphics program when saving.
    Unfortunately, the Enfold calculated image formats have no more compression, so it can happen that the original file has less filesize than the 1500px image from Enfold.

    There are only a few images ( monochrome gradients – like sunsets or skin tones )where it could really be noticeable.
    But you gain quite a bit in performance. It is of little use if your pictures look sharp and beautiful, but take 10s to load. Then the viewers of the pictures are already gone.

    There are some snippets to avoid that and define a compression rate for those recalculated Images on upload.
    This snippet in your child-theme functions.php set the compression rate to 55 ( instead of 100 : no compression )

    add_filter("avf_jpeg_quality", "avf_set_quality_mod", 9999, 1);
    add_filter("avf_wp_editor_set_quality", "avf_set_quality_mod", 9999, 1);
    function avf_set_quality_mod($quality) { $quality = 55; return $quality;}

    Excellent counsel, Guenni007. Thanks for the help!



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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