Tagged: LayerSlider
Just thought I’d share this snippit, which removes the plugin update nag in the WordPress admin for the bundled LayerSlider plugin, as we need to wait for each Enfold release for this plugin to be updated. It should be placed in the functions.php
file of the child theme, so it doesn’t get overwritten when updating the theme (*take a backup of the file before making changes):
//Remove layerslider update nag
function filter_plugin_updates( $value ) {
unset( $value->response['full/path/to/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php'] );
return $value;
add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', 'filter_plugin_updates' );
where full/path/to
is adjusted to suit your full server path to the layerslider.php file.
Hey Barnez1,
Thanks for the update, so you managed to solve your problem?
Best regards,
Hey Rikard,
Yes, this is fixed.
Best regards,