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  • #1161484

    Hi. I had the same problem before and thanks to the support https://kriesi.at/support/topic/remove-the-small-white-space-between-the-4-columns/

    */ #welcome .av-screen-reader-only {
    display: none !important;

    and the problem that appeared on the home page has been solved. But it still appears, on the CONTATTI page http://www.brunocover.it/CMS/wordpress/trikego/?page_id=1978
    I use 4 columns with 4 images inside I can remove the small white space that remains between the columns, only in the CONTATTI page. The problem is evident on the laptop. Is it possible to solve it? Thanks a lot for your support. Best regards. Bruno


    Hello. The problem of the thin gap also appears on the IMMAGINI page (Masonry Gallery in http://www.brunocover.it/CMS/wordpress/trikego/?page_id=2229

    The site is complete, I’ll have to put it online soon, can you support me and suggest me how to solve the problem? Thanks a lot. Best regards. Bruno



    Could you please post a screenshot and show whitespace you would like to remove? You can upload your screenshots on imgur.com and post the links here :)

    Best regards,


    The problem is clearly visible on a laptop. Using 4 columns, we see a space of one pixel over the entire vertical that separates the second column from the third and the third column from the fourth column.

    The images on https://imgur.com/a/AAJF7uy are from desktop

    Thanks a lot for your support Yigit



    I cannot reproduce the issue on my 1440x900px laptop screen. Attached screenshots in private content field. What screensize are you using?

    Best regards,


    on laptop 1920 x 1080. Thanks Yigit



    I switched screen resolution to 1920x1200px but i still could not reproduce the issue. Attached screenshots in private content field below.

    Does this happen on a certain browser or computer?

    Best regards,


    ok, I ask you to keep this topic open until the site is delivered to the customer: on your computer you can’t see the problem, on the laptop I use for testing yes. I will update you after delivery to the customer. Thanks a lot Yigit. Best regards. Bruno



    Sure Bruno, we will keep the thread open and wait to hear from you!

    Thread will be on hold and will be opened when you reply :)



    perfect. See you soon and many thanks. Best regards Yigit. Bruno

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