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  • #669627

    I would like to remove the thumbnail rollover effect (loading thumbnail to main image), as seen here: http://www.ronenbekerman.com/portfolio/best-of-week-182016/

    Please help! Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by raylay.

    Hi Rachel,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling:

    .image-overlay .image-overlay-inside {
    display:none !important;



    Unfortunately this is not the change I need. I’ll be more specific and add an image for reference:
    1. Remove lower opacity on hover, on both main image and on thumbnails

    2. On thumbnails – remove the rollover interaction that changes the main image to thumbnail image

    3. Add arrow overlay to thumbnails on hover (like main image hover). Clicking will open image in lightbox

    Thank you for your help!




    Sorry for the late reply!
    It seems like you have figured it out already?

    Best regards,


    No, nothing in this image has been addressed yet. The url I provided was an example on someone else’s website for you to see as a reference for what I want. Please help, thank you!
    NOT WORKING YET – http://chrisgallop.com/blog/portfolio-item/kitchen-upgrade/

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by raylay.


    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    .image-overlay {
        background: transparent;
    #top .avia-gallery .avia-gallery-thumb a:hover {
        opacity: 1;
    #top .avia-gallery .avia-gallery-thumb a {
    pointer-events: none; 

    However the last code will stop hoverin on thumbnails so they will remain greyscale

    Best regards,


    The first two styles work perfectly BUT I can’t use the pointer-events: none; since we still want the thumbnails to open in a lightbox and change from b/w to color.

    Is there a function we can update in the child theme to remove the hover animation changing the main image?

    Also, how can we add Arrow overlay to the thumbnails? #3 in the previous image.

    Thank you!



    This is possible but you can’t override the script in a child theme. Edit the js > shortcodes.js file then go to line 2433:

    				var newImg 		= _self.getAttribute("data-prev-img"),

    .. replace it with:

    				var newImg 		= big_prev.find('img').attr('src'),



    Great, thank you! Also, how can we add Arrow overlay to the thumbnails? #3 in the image below.



    In the js > avia.js file, look for this code around line 626:

    var elements = $('a img', container).parents('a').not('.noLightbox, .noLightbox a, .avia-gallery-thumb a, .avia-layerslider a, .noHover, .noHover a, .av-logo-container .logo a').add('.avia-hover-fx', container);

    Remove the “.avia-gallery-thumb a” entry.

    var elements = $('a img', container).parents('a').not('.noLightbox, .noLightbox a, .avia-layerslider a, .noHover, .noHover a, .av-logo-container .logo a').add('.avia-hover-fx', container);

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    I’m sorry but it’s not working for me. I updated the file but the thumbnails still do not show the hover effect. I want to ADD the hover, not remove it. Is that why its not working?

    Thanks again!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by raylay.

    I’m finding a bug that I think is being caused by: var newImg = big_prev.find('img').attr('src'),
    Sometimes when you select the large image it opens the last image loaded instead of the large image shown.
    To see this bug go to: http://chrisgallop.com/blog/portfolio-item/avian-boson-shaft/
    >>Click on the second thumbnail (or 3rd or 4th)
    >>Click outside of lightbox to go to main screen
    >>Click on large image – the last image opens instead of the large image on seen on screen

    Please help, thank you!



    Please update the theme to the latest version. That should fix any issues you are currently experiencing :)

    To update to the latest version follow the simple instructions here. (Or if you want the super detailed explanation you can read this blog post)

    If that does not help, feel free to reply here and we will take a closer look at the issue. In that case please also add your WordPress login credentials (in the “private data” field) so we can take a look at your admin area.

    Keep all plugins deactivated while testing.

    Best regards,


    We have had the automatic updates going already. Currently it says “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (3.7.1)”.
    Login credentials are below as requested.

    Is this to fix the hover affect not working on thumbnails or the bug described or both?

    Thank you!



    please check on themeforest which version is currently the newest. Right now it’s v3.8.

    Best regards,


    The theme has been updated to v3.8, this did not resolve the bug or add the rollover to thumbnails. I’ve added a image for reference that shows what we want for thumbnail rollovers. Please help!



    Would you mind providing a precise link to your site, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)

    Best regards,


    Gallery – add hover to thumbnails – http://chrisgallop.com/blog/portfolio-item/kitchen-upgrade/

    I’m finding a bug that I think is being caused by: var newImg = big_prev.find(‘img’).attr(‘src’),
    Sometimes when you select the large image it opens the last image loaded instead of the large image shown.
    To see this bug go to: http://chrisgallop.com/blog/portfolio-item/avian-boson-shaft/
    >>Click on the second thumbnail (or 3rd or 4th)
    >>Click outside of lightbox to go to main screen
    >>Click on large image – the last image opens instead of the large image on seen on screen



    both links you’ve provided give me a “Nothing Found” error. Can you check please?

    Best regards,


    Sorry, links updated in text:
    Gallery – add hover to thumbnails – http://chrisgallop.com/portfolio-item/kitchen-upgrade/

    I’m finding a bug that I think is being caused by: var newImg = big_prev.find(‘img’).attr(‘src’),
    Sometimes when you select the large image it opens the last image loaded instead of the large image shown.
    To see this bug go to: http://chrisgallop.com/portfolio-item/avian-boson-shaft/
    >>Click on the second thumbnail (or 3rd or 4th)
    >>Click outside of lightbox to go to main screen
    >>Click on large image – the last image opens instead of the large image on seen on screen



    There might be some corrupted files, so please delete all theme files completely via FTP, before installing a fresh copy from your themeforest account. Here is a short tutorial on how to install the theme via FTP, in case you are not sure how that works:

    Keep all plugins deactivated while testing.

    Best regards,

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