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  • #731061

    I have two shops which are nearly identical, but in one shop the page-title still shows (only in code) 1
    While in the other shop the page-title is gone 2
    I can’t find the difference, I want to remove the page-title without css because I need the <h1 class=”page-title”></h1> gone in the code.

    best wishes,



    Page titles show up in title bar on both pages on my end. Please flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times – http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Hard_Refresh

    If you still have the issues, please post a screenshot and show the issue. You can upload your screenshots on imgur.com or Dropbox public folder and post the links here.

    Please also note that we may need temporary admin logins for both sites

    Best regards,


    no not the one in the title bar.

    Here you can see the h1 with the class page-title http://i.imgur.com/PLc8WhP.jpg (I already set display: none;)
    This ist the code: http://imgur.com/K5FJ5nO.jpg See? page title is there

    But when I look at the other site, there is no h1 with page-title class: http://imgur.com/dy7GBXQ.jpg
    Neither in the code: http://imgur.com/CjqXR6f.jpg

    It’s really different and I really don’t know why :)

    best wishes and thanks



    Please add following code to Functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    add_filter('avf_title_args', 'avia_remove_h1_hidden_title', 10, 2);
    function avia_remove_h1_hidden_title($args,$id)
        $header_settings = avia_header_setting();
        if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'breadcrumbs_only')
            $args['html'] = "<div class='{class} title_container'><div class='container'>{additions}</div></div>";
        return $args;

    and set to display breadcrumbs only. It will remove empty H1 tag :)

    Best regards,


    I don’t want the title gone. I want the main-title to stay and I want the page-title gone. If I do what you say, it removes the main-title(yellow) and the page title(code) is still there. http://i.imgur.com/63vU8LD.jpg


    I figured it out. Woocommerce puts this into archive-product: <h1 class=”page-title”><?php woocommerce_page_title(); ?></h1> two h1 are to much. But do you have a better solution than putting archive-product.php into enfold child and overwrite this part?

    best wishes



    I am sorry but i cannot find the text you would like to remove on your example pages. Maybe because you removed it already. However, we would recommend moving your changes into your child theme as well :)

    Best regards,


    Yes I already removed it. But you can see the error on my images. I want to remove the page-title (http://i.imgur.com/63vU8LD.jpg ) which I located in woocommerce (archive-product.php). Is it possible to create a shorter code that removes it? I don’t always want to add the archive-product.php to my child theme:



    Please add the following filter in the functions.php file to disable the page title.

    add_filter('woocommerce_show_page_title', function() {
    	return false;

    Best regards,


    thanks ismael, you made my day! :D

    best wishes,


    Hi Marlene,

    Great, glad we could help :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,


    No thanks rikard :)

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