Hello, in order to ensure the accessibility of my site I would like to remove the prev/next link from the source code. Is there a function for this?
Hey Chris_85,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You can disable the post navigation by adjusting the Single Post Navigation settings in the Enfold > Blog Layout > Single Post Options section. Let us know of the result.
Best regards,
Hi Isamael, thanks! i would like to remove it from the full width slider. When i disable the Navigation the prev/next link is still in the source code. Is there a solution to get rid of these links.
Hi Isamael, thanks! i would like to remove it from the full width slider.
Sorry about that; missed the title. This is possible but you’ll need to directly edit the enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-helpers/class-avia-slideshow.php file and remove the code around line 665:
$output .= $this->slide_navigation_arrows();
Best regards,