Tagged: LayerSlider WP
Hi Enfold Support,
We were able to build a nice home page video slider and have a few questions.
1. There’s very feint / transparent play icon that appears before the video autoplays. Is there a way to remove this?
2. How can we get the video slides to endlessly loop i.e. go from last slide to first slide. It’s strange as looping behavior with layerslider has always been endless but with the new UI I can’t seem to find where we set it to endlessly loop.
3. Whenever we try to use the video layer as a background video, the entire slider disappears and has a big white space. Very odd. Any idea what’s going on there?
Location and login credentials in private content. Thank you for your help!
Hey Eric,
You could add the loop attribute to the video tag. As for the play icon, it seems to be the default html part, do you get it in all browsers? Could you point us to a page with the whitespace, you’re talking about in 3.
Best regards,
Thanks Victoria. What would the loop attribute code snippet look like?
The play icon seems to appear in most browsers. Is it due to no image placeholder and is the default preload image? Can we change that to our logo like how we have the preload image for the site?
We’ll create a sample of the slider with the video as background to demonstrate the bug. Will repost. Thanks!
Thank you very much, keep us updated please.
Thank you very much
Best regards,