I wonder if it’s possible to remove some meta information?
1. For each blogpost I can select and deselect from the Blog layout menu. I have selected to only display the date, but I get slash sign after it. Is there a way to remove this?
2. When I use the Blogpost module to display a list of the latest bloggpost. I get a row of meta data like date, categories, number of comments, author. There isn’t any option in the menu to deselect any meta info for this list, and I wonder if there is a way to hide each element with CSS? I use the single author, small preview layout. I just want to display the date. I have tested this CSS in different combinations, but nothing happens. Preciate some help to hide this element and some of the others. Thanks!
a.comments-link {
display: none !important;
Hi Effektid!
Please add following code to Quick CSS
span.text-sep.text-sep-date, .blog-categories, .text-sep-cat, .blog-author{ display: none !important; }
If that does not work, please post the link to your website
Thanks for the help! It was almost perfect. There is still some info for comments, like “0 Kommentarer” (translated into swedish) and the zero is to close to the 2014. And then it’s the slash sign “/”. The website isn’t public right now, so I can’t give any url right now.
Please add following code to Quick CSS as well
.comment-container, .text-sep-comment { display: none !important; }
Perfect! Have a nice weekend! :)