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  • #627246

    I need to create many galleries of hundreds of images, using Enfold theme, but the themed image galleries by default show the title of the image that is part of the image file meta data. While I could change all the image files to be titled as I like, this does not allow me to emphasize the titles of the works. I need the title that shows on the web page to include the title of the work, the artist’s name, and the type of media it uses. Thus I need to separately emphasize part of the title from the rest.

    I’d like to use only the image caption feature for the title, and hide altogether the default title the theme is showing. Is there a CSS snippet I can add to the theme dashboard that will remove this default showing of the title? IF NOT, then is there a CSS snippet I can use to style the default title to emphasize (italicize) the text, and I will use the caption for the other image information?
    UPDATE: I just discovered in the theme options for the Masonry gallery, I can choose to show the title or not. Even simpler. (I would delete this support thread, but I can’t.)

    UPDATE: I think I figured it out, but want to check this is the best solution (at least for the masonry gallery): Is this the correct code snippet to add to do this?

    .av-masonry-entry .av-masonry-entry-title {
        display: none;

    Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by demtnman.

    Hey demtnman,

    Glad you figured out! You could also use the below css to hide the title :)

    .mfp-title {

    Please note the above code will affect site wide to make changes to selected gallery please add a custom css class name to the gallery element by enabling the custom css class name support

    Best regards,

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