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  • #1448744

    I am trying to embed using iframe another page from the same site – I want to hide the header and footer if possible but header for sure.
    Do you have any insight. If this is too far off topic I understand – I’m just stumped and you guys are amazing!


    Hey AlpineWeb,

    I don’t think that is possible unfortunately, since the iframe element gets all the content from a URL. You can read more about the element here:

    Best regards,


    Is there a way to remove the header from a specific page in Enfold. The page I reference below is the one driving the search results – so if I can not show the header and footer, but mostly header on that page when I iframe it would solve my problem.
    What are your thoughts?


    Figured it out I was way over thinking it – you can close this!



    Great! Glad to know that you managed to figure this out. Please feel free to open another thread if you have more questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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