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  • #633217


    I just tried to add my website on facebook. I typed into the post area text the address and, as usual, a preview appeared below it. There is a description below the image that says:

    “Fancy doing something a little different this autumn? Win this great shopping trip to London! We pay for everything! All expenses including flight and a meal at a gourmet restaurant of your choice will be paid for!”

    I can I get rid of this? Where is it come from? I imported dummy contents for the shop at the beginning.

    Many thanks


    Hey David,

    You can control that by using a plugin like Yoast SEO:




    thanks for your reply. I’m afraid I didn’t get it. There is no other way to get rid of that text rather than install a plugin? I’m wondering if that comes from a plugin that I’ve already installed “WooCommerce – All in One SEO Pack”. I tried to disable it but apparently nothing happened. Then I disinstalled it and installed the one you advised but the text is still there and I can’t find it anywhere in the plugin setup.

    Could you help me a bit more and just tell me ho I can delete it or what is the field to update?

    Many thanks


    Hi Rikard,

    I tried to edit the Facebook settings (see screenshot attached) but still not working. Does it just needs time or I’m doing it wrong?




    I would also like to reduce the height of the hero banner oh the home page.. is it possible?

    Many thanks



    please ask Yoast Support about the plugin, as they know their plugin best.

    About which hero banner are you talking about? can you highlight your intentions using screenshots please? use or dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    that text that I like to remove actually comes with efold not with Yoast. I just found out that comes from one of the demo fullscreen slider (which is the one I like to resize in height). I will remove it myself as I have to redesign these banners but I just wonder if you could advise why FB grabs the text from that specific one which is not even the main one (ignoring all the settings in the Yoast SEO plugin)

    Regarding the banner I’m talking about the fullscreen slider that is on the home page. The one that shows a canvas with a blurred just married couple and two buttons to view the products/image guideline. Link in the private content.

    Many thanks


    I removed it but it still shows in FB.. I’m desperate :’-(



    does this issue happen when using a default WP theme as well?

    Best regards,



    yes, also with storefront theme




    then we know it’s not a theme related issue and in this case we can’t help much. Try to contact general WordPress forum about it.

    Best regards,


    Great, thanks :)

    still waiting to know how reduce the height of the fullscreen slider.

    many thanks


    Hi David,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling:

    .avia-builder-el-0.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow {
        height: 300px !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    it would be nice if it could stay responsive as the contents (text and buttons) got cut when resized.




    add some media queries to control behavior on different screen sizes. Something like this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .avia-builder-el-0.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow {
        height: 300px !important;

    and adjust as needed.

    Best regards,


    brill, thanks :)
    One more question..
    I have a contact form with a dropdown menu listing multiple topics. Then I have links in other pages that I would like to direct to the contact form with the proper topic already selected. For example, in the photographic service page there is a button for inquires which takes to the contact page form. When clicked I’d like the contact form topic field to show ‘Photographic Service’ instead of the standard topic.

    Hope I made myself clear enough :)

    Many thanks



    We would be glad to help you with this customization, but at the moment there is no easy way to do this by using a small custom code snippet, so I am afraid its out of the scope of our support.

    But please feel free to request such feature at our feature request system:

    This system allows us to keep track of user suggestions and lets you vote on the feature you would like to see the most. I am afraid though there is no guarantee that a feature will get implemented. If that’s something you really need you can always try to hire a developer for the task :)

    Best regards,

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