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  • #1234201

    It appears there is a line or bottom border beneath all tab sections, which is also shown on the documentation page ( How can this be removed? Please let me know. Thanks!


    Hey orthodrone_gmbh,

    Add this to quick css:

    .main_color div{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon



    I just ran into the same issue. Now this snippet doesn’t remove the bottom border from the tabbed section, but removes all the borders from headings. I can’t pinpoint which element in the DOM has the border actually :(

    Any ideas?




    Please link directly to the page with the issue so we can examine it.
    If the border is not clearly seen, please include a screenshot and paste the image URL in your post.

    Best regards,


    The site is not live yet so I’m unable to provide a link, but I’ll do as many screenshots as needed.
    I was trying to find out which element has the border property I should try to negate in Quick CSS and didn’t find any. The only instance I had the border disappear is when I commented out the display: table-cell in Chrome’s inspector. Of course, this breaks the whole tab section, but nothing else seems to disturb that border… looks like the border: none in there does nothing.

    .js_active .av-layout-tab {
        display: table-cell;
        border: none;

    I added a screenshot as private bit.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by 4ndreaux.

    Is the next section a color section? It could be the border top for the next one.
    Try Enabling the Avia Layout Builder Debugger for your site, then copy the page shortcode for the page and save it to a plain text file “.txt” and upload to DropBox, or such, I can then add your page to my text site and inspect.

    Best regards,


    No, because if I re-arrange the sections, the border goes with the Tab Section always.
    I’ll try the debugger thing and get back to you.



    Here’s the debug output in Dropbox.

    Actually the next element is a heading, not even a section.

    Let me know if you need anything else.



    Thanks for the debugging shortcode, in my test it was the next section border color, this clears:

    #after_tab_section_1.main_color {
    border-color: transparent;

    or to target more sections on your site try:

    .main_color {
    border-color: transparent;

    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I’ve done some testing too. Actually if the tabbed section is the last section, there is no border, if _any_ section is after it, there is a border, but it doesn’t matter what section it is and those sections don’t have any border anywhere else. Weird.
    I’ll try putting in what you sent.
    The second one I guess I tired already as it was a suggestion here in the forums, but that seems to remove the line in the headers as well.

    I really do appreciate your prompt help and I can’t stress this enough.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by 4ndreaux.

    Glad to hear, the auto IDs such as after_tab_section_1 could be different for me than you on the page DOM,
    typically I don’t see this issue, but if you have changed the page from the shortcode that I received the auto IDs also change.
    Once you can post this page online we can advise.
    Let us know when we can login to your site and see the page.

    Best regards,


    I’ve just deployed the site so I’ll be creating a user for you. Maintenance is on so you’ll need a user to see the content.
    Drop me an e-mail address so I set it up for you and you’ll be able to do a password reset.

    Thank you,


    Hi Gabriel,

    You can use (Email address hidden if logged out) but please post login credentials here privately so any available moderator can look into it :)



    Here are the login information. Please do a password reset to access the site.
    I made the user an Editor. Do you need Administrator access?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by 4ndreaux.

    Hi Gabriel,

    I think I should have mentioned that (Email address hidden if logged out) is a no-reply email, no one has access to it. So please set a random password for the account and share privately :)



    Hmmm… :D
    Ok, here’s the password in private.


    Hi Gabriel,

    Thanks! :)

    Following code that Mike shared hides the border on my end

    #after_tab_section_1.main_color {
      border-color: transparent;

    You can also use following code

    #after_tab_section_1 {
      border: none;

    If you would like to hide the border next to heading, please edit Special Heading element and choose left aligned Modern style :)

    Best regards,


    Yes, it worked on my end too. However, why is it there in the first place?
    If that’s the last section, there is no border. If there is ANY section after it, there is a border.

    And no, I don’t want to hide the line in headings, that’s the point :)
    Thanks for the help so far. I’ve got other questions, I’ll open separate threads for them I guess.


    Hi Gabriel,

    It is there because by default all automatically generated sections (“after_tab_section” for example) have a border and changing that unfortunately breaks stuff. So hiding those borders using CSS is the safest solution so far.

    Yes, please start separate threads for your other questions. Shall we go ahead and mark this one as resolved? :)

    Best regards,


    Yes, thank you. I wasn’t aware that the border is there on purpose. Yes, in that case, I get that you have to remove it with CSS.
    I was only stunned by not being able to pinpoint which DOM element it gets applied to.
    Thank you for all your help guys!



    You are welcome, Gabriel! Glad we could help :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!


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