Hi – Is there a way to remove ALL animation on the image for the Fullwidth Easy Slider? I am using for a single hero image (no slides) and the fade in appears to be causing quite a bit of shift.
I tried the following per earlier topics without any change:
.entry-content-wrapper div li {
text-indent: 0px;
opacity: 1 !important;
Hey TLPLindseyMuchka,
Thank you for your patience and the link to your page, I have carefully reviewed your slider to try to help you accomplish the “Hero Header” using the Fullwidth Easy Slider, but the styles and animation are added by a script during the page load so we can not completely remove it, plus I see that you also have the lazyload option enabled, so it could also help to disable that, but this css seems to help quite a bit, please try this code in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field as it has the highest priority:
#full_slider_1 .avia-slideshow li.av-single-slide,
#full_slider_1 .avia-caption-title,
#full_slider_1 .avia-caption-content,
#full_slider_1 .avia-slideshow-button {
-webkit-animation: 0s ease 0s normal none 1 running none !important;
animation: 0s ease 0s normal none 1 running none !important;
visibility: visible !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
and then try disabling Enfold Theme Options > Performance > JS & CSS file merging and compression and at the bottom of the page enable Enfold Theme Options > Performance > Delete old CSS and JS files then save your theme options and check.
But I believe you may want to create your own Hero Header with a color section and a background image to have better control over it.
Best regards,