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  • #748857

    Because i am building website on local i recorded the problem

    How to disable page reloading on button click. as you can see i used enfold button and linked to product item, but on click i want only item to go to cart and not reloading page again and sending me to top of the page.


    Hey Uroš!

    We can see the video but it is hard to identify where the issue is or what can be wrong.
    We can only suggest disable cache, check permalinks and maybe disable Plugins

    For further help, we would have to check the web site live so we can help



    Can i add custom class for buttons and create some JS codes that will prevent page reloading like:
    function getData(e) {


    onclick=”getData(); return false;

    and put it in “code block” element…if yes can you write me that code



    no, we can’t write you this custom code. If you can’t create it by yourself, then please hire a freelance developer for this job.

    Best regards,

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