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  • #1464782


    I purchased Enfold and I couldn’t find how to register to enfold template on website. I have Item-Purchased-Code but I couldn’t any section to paste it? Could you help me?



    Hey gocmenmustafa,
    You will need to create a “Token” on your Envato Theme Forest account and add that to your Enfold theme panel at Enfold > Theme Update > Enter a valid Envato private token.
    Please see our documentation here.

    Best regards,


    Thank you. But when I download a template I couldn’t edit it. I tried to use “Import: Résumé Demo” template but I never edit it as I want to. My website name is and as you can see, I couldn’t change the parameters on the web site. Is tehre any documentation to follow the instructions and I can solve the template problem.



    Thanks for the update. What exactly are you not able to edit? Please try to explain the problem you are having a bit further, or post screenshots highlighting it.

    Best regards,


    I re-installed worpress and import the template so my issue has been solved. Thank you.

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