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  • #874124

    So what is happening is this: If I update a plugin or the theme itself, my page /videos/ is redirected to the homepage. All subpages of /videos/ become 404s although they all exist in the backend.

    It tried:
    – deactivating all plugins, update them, reactivate them -> same problem (cleared caches in between, browser and server side)
    – deactivating all plugins, update them, without reactivating them -> same problem (cleared caches in between, browser and server side)
    – updating Enfold (in both above mentioned variations) -> same problem (cleared caches in between, browser and server side)
    – updating single plugins to find the cause -> doesn’t matter which ones I update (cleared caches in between, browser and server side)

    The only thing that worked was changing the theme. Sure, that breaks everything as we used the Enfold advanced layout editor but the redirect is gone :)

    I know this is little to go on which is why I created a private YouTube screencast here to explain everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6emXcVO9YyY

    Again, I want to stress that I love Enfold. This bug is driving me crazy though.


    Hey evergreenmedia,

    It looks like you site is down, or is there a typo in the URL?

    Best regards,


    Not sure what happened. The site was up the entire time. There are no typos. Must be on your end.


    Hi evergreenmedia,

    Enfold does not do any redirects. There are too many plugins and it can still be a certain plugin causing the issue. Anyway, this needs further investigation, do you have a test server we can test around more?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    here is a staging area. Login details remain the same. The thing is a change of theme resolves the issue.

    Best regards,


    I still need help on this.

    Thanks :)

    Have a nice weekend!


    I was unable to login, but I found your video page and videos not redirecting. I understand this happens when updating any plugin, please check login info.

    Best regards,


    just checked the login to staging and main site. Work just fine. Please try again.
    Best regards,



    I tried to edit the video page and ALB is looping, so I can not even see what you have into that page.
    Can we disable plugins and all, just to check what is happening?

    Best regards,


    As long as you are on the staging area, you can do whatever you like :D



    I am trying to debug it, but not sure I am getting anywhere. I have assigned a team mate on the topic, who might have a better luck.
    Would appreciate a bit of patience, till he checks out.

    Thank you very much

    Best regards,


    I really appreciate the effort. I am a big fan of Enfold and must say your support is the best I had on any WordPress theme ever. Thanks!



    Do you redirect 404 pages to the home page? There’s a portfolio category called “Video” and it’s probably in conflict with the actual “Video” page. Please delete the category then re-create the “Video” page from scratch.

    UPDATE: The “ShortPixel Image Optimizer” and “WP Editor” plugins are also causing a few script errors in the advance layout builder. The advance layout builder works again when the plugins are disabled.

    Best regards,



    thanks for all the support!

    I just tested this and even when I delete the category and recreate the “Video” page from scratch with the slug /videos/ the redirect remains. Do you think this is fixable or should I just change the URL and everything is fine?

    Best regards,




    Please delete the page and the category again then go to the Settings > Permalink panel to refresh the settings. If possible, use a different name or title for the “Video” category.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    thanks for all the recommendations. At the end the only fix was changing the slug ;)

    Case closed!

    Best regards,

    Alexander Rus



    Glad it is fixed. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else.

    Best regards,

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