in some browsers we found red links with images in the sourcecode. The reason is the output of width and height size without blank space between this two tags.
To solve the problem it could be a good idea to have in the file config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/image/image.php on line 553 or 554 a blank space before width or after height.
You can close the topic!
$hw = "";
if(!empty($img_h)) $hw .= 'height="'.$img_h.'"';
if(!empty($img_w)) $hw .= ' width="'.$img_w.'"';
Hey Biggy,
Thank you very much for letting us know
Actually that is not exactly an error, but most how we use to write things around.
But yes, we can report that to our developers so they can review it! Thank you very much
Best regards,