With the recent update, I see that you can now change the caption font size on an image overlay. The update changed all of my captions to 1.3em, which is way larger than the previous caption size. Instead of going in and modifying all images due to this update, I would like to fix the problem via CSS.
I’ve added .av-image-caption-overlay-center{font-size: 14px !important;} to my Child theme css, but it will not overwrite the code for some reason.
Can you please let me know how to quickly fix this without having to manually edit all photos in the template builder?
Thank you.
Nevermind; my CSS must have been caching. Working now. You can close this… But,
A few notes about this forum:
• I can’t delete my own post (in this case, it would be handy to delete a post)
• When I submit a post, it goes to a blank screen. Some sort of error is happening
• When I search the forum through the search on this site, I rarely find my answer. But if I go to Google and type Kriesi before my keyword search, I often quickly find an answer to what I’m looking for. Perhaps change this forum’s search setting to search all post content, rather than just tags. I’m sure you’d get a lot less repetition that way. ;)
Thanks for a great theme.