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  • #980957

    I’ve read this thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/changing-woocommerce-product-page-layout/

    I’m looking to do something fairly simple in rearranging the singe product page. I want to increase the size of the main image area and arrange the blocks of the page so that the layout is:
    div.single-product-summary div.summary.entry-summary then div.single-product-main-image then div.single-product-summary div.woocommerce-tabs.wc-tabs-wrapper all at full page width.

    Looking around i see there is no php page creating this layout via echos and html and such. Can you explain how i might rearrange the page in this way or at least point to in depth documentation on how all this fits together and this page is generated?

    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by bearcatsandor. Reason: made subject clearer

    Hey Bearcat,

    We use the default woocommerce templates (can be found in wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/single-product/) and modify them a bit with filters and actions (the theme code can be found in wp-content\themes\enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php – especially starting with line 236). You can use remove_filter or remove_action to deactivate our code and then add your custom filter/action code. You can also overwrite the default woocommerce templates with a child theme: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/

    Best regards,

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