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  • #425241

    It seems that Enfold / the used Graphics Engine which generates the different sizes of the uploaded images makes a huge error during the generation.
    If one uploads an Image in tagged with the sRGB Color Space as it is correct for all Web Uses, the Images which are generated out of this images (Small, Medium, Gallery, Masonary… etc) are all tagged with the Adobe RGB Color Space. (but only tagged not converted) this results in completely oversaturated colors. One can see this on almost any monitor.

    You can see this here: See: http://www.pixelcomputer.de/testrgb-colors/
    Check with Google Chrome or Firefox. The Left image is the original one, uploaded in sRGB, the left one is one generated by enfold and now has magically an Adobe Color Space Tag. I have checked this on three different Pages I am designing at the moment with Enfold and on all Pages I have the same problem.

    This kills the presentation of correct colors for all Enfold generated images.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by frawer.

    What I noticed is that even the Demo Site of Kriesi.at has the problem. If I go on a picture (which is generated by Enfold/Wordpress) and right click and download I always get Adobe RGB tagged files. these look different as the original size version.



    I viewed your link but the images look the same to me. We are not doing anything special when resizing the images, we are just using the pre built WordPress functions, https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/set_post_thumbnail_size, so this should be the same no matter what theme your using.

    If there is indeed a problem you will want to contact WordPress support or issue a bug report with them.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliot,

    it strange that all images should look the same for you. Which browser did you use? You need an color management able browser.
    I found the solution and it is not very known but know.
    The Standard Image Library from PHP is the old and outdated GD Library. this Library strips all images of their ICC Profiles. This leads to an wrong interpretation of Colors. The solution is to replace the GD Library with ImageMagick.
    After I identified the problem, the GD Library i saw that others (photographers!) had exactly the same problem and there are two plugins for wordpress who are replacing the quality and color wise very bad GD Library with Image Magick.


    or: https://wordpress.org/plugins/imagemagick-engine/
    (see: Description: Preserve embedded color profile in re-sized image!!!) This was my problem!

    If you really want to use Enfold as an Photographers Theme, Support should be aware of this problem (please believe me there is one, I earn my money with color management) and then you could point other photographers with the same problem in the same direction. Or you could think about replacing with Enfold the GD Library with Image Magick

    Hope this helps support to help and others with the same problem.



    I checked the page but I, myself, also can’t tell the difference between the two images. Maybe we don’t have a “photographer’s eye”? I don’t think you should be reporting this issue to us, theme developers, because most premium themes use the same method of image resizing as stated on our previous post. You should report this issue to the WordPress developers who developed the image upload process or scripts.

    Anyway, thank you for sharing the info regarding the plugins. You can request the feature here on our request page. I’m sure a lot of photographers will be interested in this feature.

    Best regards,


    If one uploads an Image in tagged with the sRGB Color Space as it is correct for all Web Uses, the Images which are generated out of this images (Small, Medium, Gallery, Masonary… etc) are all tagged with the Adobe RGB Color Space.

    Hi Frawper,

    downloaded the image PrinterEvaluationImage_V002_aRGB-1000×630.jpg and opened it in Photoshop. The image does not have any profile embedded.

    The problem is inside your Photoshop setting. Try Preferences -> Color Setting -> Color Policies and enable the cklickbox at Profile Mismatches and Missing Profiles

    Mit liebem Gruß, Thomas

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Riffbarsch.

    Hi @frawer!

    Did you try @Riffbarsch suggestion and did you have any luck with it?


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