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  • #642909

    hello, on the bottom of this page there is a title WAT KLANTEN ZEGGEN OVER HET BOUWPAKKET
    where people can say something. in it are two read more links , but they are not working.
    any idea wy?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by yampieters.

    Hi jelle!

    The link seems not to be there any more.
    Please add them again, and they will go ahead and work again, if not let us know and we wil ltake a look again

    Thanks a lot for your understanding

    Best regards,


    really, it is there. see image. i can see it in the page souirce as well.
    i dont think its a cache problem either.
    tested it i firefox and google chrome



    more tags do not work on WordPress’ pages by default, as you can read here (“Common WordPress More Tag Problems”):

    Best regards,


    thanks andy

    i ve tried to put on this piece of code after the intro and before the rest of the content
    global $more;
    $more = 0;
    //The code must be inserted ahead of the call to the content

    <?php the_content(‘Continue Reading’); ?>
    but nothing is happening.

    what to do? make blogpost of it?



    what about a plugin like ?

    Best regards,

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