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  • #870881

    I have a site which has it’s blog displayed on the home page. This blog is created from an RSS feed from my other website. I am using a plugin to automatically post from one site to the other but the posts on the home page have an excerpt but no read more link. I have checked the CSS and tried a couple plugins to forcibly add the read more link but none are working. Can anyone suggest a solution?


    Hey philoakley,

    Apologies for the late reply. Just ensure I understand this correctly, you’re saying that all of the posts are being pulled from other locations? If they are not being built within the theme itself it may be no easy task to actually get the read more button on there.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,
    They are being pulled from another website which our client owns, but the plugin should essentially create its own blog post from the content.



    What is the exact plugin you are using? Also, have you brought this issue up to the plugin devs as well? They may have a bit more insight into what may be going on.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,
    So Website A is where the posts are normally posted.
    Website B then uses a plugin called WPeMatico to post the same posts as on Website A
    However it is on Website A that we cannot get the read more links to appear.
    The odd thing is that Website B does have the read more links.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by philoakley.


    Are both A and B running Enfold? Also, have you attempted to contact the plugin devs as well?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Yes they are both running Enfold.
    I have not contacted them but it shouldn’t affect the website should it? As the posts are just being posted normally on Website A.
    The plugin on website B just acts as an RSS feed for the posts.



    The issue is not related to our theme at all, but it is something related to the plugin. The posts do not have read more, because there is no excerpt existing.
    Please do contact the plugin developers.

    Best regards,


    I have deactivated the plugin on Website B. Website A does not have a plugin.
    Website A still does not display the read more link on new posts which have been created and posted through the dashboard.


    Hi Phil,

    There is another setting there for the blog posts
    Image 2017-11-10 at 14.46.10.png

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    Ah yes i forgot to check the settings on the blog grid itself.
    Thanks for your help!



    Did you need additional help with this or shall we close this topic?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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