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  • #1413262

    I’m writing a Post and would like to try the Read More Tag which is available in the toolbar using the Advanced Layout Builder.
    It adds the following tag to the HTML but I don’t know what to do next.
    Up till now I’ve just been manually creating a new post and creating a link to it.


    Hey John,
    Thank you for your question, if you are creating a post using the Advanced Layout Builder with the Text Element you will see the “Read More” button in the TinyMCE toolbar:
    The “Read More” is used to break the length of your except from your content should you want to manually set the length of the text.
    This is primarily used for Classic Editor posts because WordPress will automatically get the beginning post text and create a excerpt from it.
    This is not always the case for Advanced Layout Builder posts, for example with using the Blog Element in the grid layout the ALB posts don’t show the excerpt automatically you need to use the excerpt field. But on category pages the excerpt will show and the “Read More” button will show on the frontend.
    I hope this helps explain.
    If you are creating ALB posts and are not seeing your excerpts try looking in the drop down at the top of your posts screen “Screen Options” and checking the Excerpts box, which will give you a text area below your post area to manually add your excerpt.
    If this doesn’t help, please explain further and link to your site so we can see how you are currently displaing your posts and blog page.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the detailed solution Mike.


    We are happy to help, unless there is anything else we can help with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,

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