Tagged: Blog
How can I get the “read more” link (which you can see at the bottom of my blog post preview on my home page http://www.sofiaspadafora.com) to go to the actual full-length post and not just take me back to the homepage? I’ve been searching and searching and i can’t find a place to configure that link anywhere!
Hey spadasof!
Your web site is not loading at all for me here.
Can you let me know what please what is your permalink structure?
Hi Basilis!
Thank you for your response. I’m having trouble with my server, you might want to try it again, i’m working on that. I think Im using custom permalinks, /home /blog etc. Is that what you meant? Thank you!!!
Ahh I figured it out! I needed to change the permalink structure for the posts. I didn’t realize there was a difference for the different categories.