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  • #281704


    In the past, I recall creating a media element in ALB, then switching back to the default editor to grab the raw code for that media element, allowing me to paste it straight into blocks of html or even widgets, such as below:

    [av_gallery ids='5530,5531,5532,5533,5538,5534,5537,5536,5535' style='thumbnails' preview_size='portfolio' crop_big_preview_thumbnail='avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb' thumb_size='thumbnail' columns='3' imagelink='lightbox' lazyload='deactivate_avia_lazyload']

    However, when I try to flip back to the default editor now I cannot see any code – I just have a blank editor. Is it still possible to grab the code for media elements, or they visible only in ALB? Even if there’s a way to make a gallery and grab the image ID’s, I can obviously paste the new image ID’s into the code above?

    Thanks, Graeme


    Hi Iano999!

    No, the two don’t allow for switching between them. You’ll need to enable the debug field for the ALB to view what shortcodes are being used.

    See: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/enable-advanced-layout-builder-debug/


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    Your child theme doesn’t have a functions.php file which is where that function should go. For example, https://github.com/DevinVinson/enfold-child-starter/blob/master/functions.php

    Just like I have those functions there, you would upload a functions.php file to your child theme folder and then add the function to that file. Just make sure, like mine there on github, the file has an opening php tag (<?php) before the code.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Try uploading the functions file with nothing but the opening php tag and then see. Make sure to remove any whitespace at the end of the file in case your server has an issue with it as well.

    If all is working okay with just an empty file you can once again try adding in the function.

    Edit: If you previously added in that function to the parent theme make sure to remove it. That definitely would cause an error.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Devin.

    Hey Devin,

    Okay, when I upload a functions.php file with nothing but the opening php tag I’m still getting whitescreened – is there a typical reason for this?

    Thanks, Graeme



    Do you upload the functions.php file into the child theme folder (wp-content/themes/enfold-child/)?



    Hey Peter,

    Yeah, I’m saving it into my child theme folder alongside a style.css file. I always use child themes for a build, but I’ve never had an issue with using a secondary functions file before?

    Thanks again, Graeme


    Hey Graeme!

    Maybe the debug code is still in the parent theme functions.php, if so, remove it.

    Also, do you have access to your PHP log?



    Hi Josue,

    I don’t have access to the PHP log, as far as I know. The debug code Devin recommended is definitely not in the parent functions.php file, so I’m pretty stuck as to why it would be whitescreening the site.



    Very strange!

    Try downloading and then using the child theme here: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/using-a-child-theme/

    Or clone my starter child theme and use it. Either way it’ll appear to reset all the theme options since you are technically switching themes but just to see if the functions file will work there.

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