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  • #1397426

    I have added Rank Math’s Table of Content to some of my articles:

    As you can see the table of content is added to the text excerpt (ecample article: Koko analytics) which makes the excerpt difficult to read.
    It seems to be an enfold “issue” – when switching to 2023 theme the excerpt shows only the text not the table of content.

    Is there a way to exclude Rank Math’s table of content from the text excerpt?



    Seems to happen when blog layout is set to grid.


    Thanks for your patience and the link to your page, I have tried to reproduce the issue on my test site by installing Rank Math and adding the Table of Content to a post:
    but the Table of Content doesn’t show in the Blog Grid excerpt:
    Have you added any function or plugins to alter the excerpts?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    no, i do not have plugins installed that alter the excerpt. Even when I use the original functions.php from the child theme I have the problem.

    What’s a little bit strange:
    1. Switching to 2023 theme does not have the issue
    2. Switching Enfold Blog Layout from Grid to “List layout – excerpt (only title, meta information and excerpt) – the 7th option from the dropdown does not have the problem

    To be honest, activating the Imagely theme does have the issue too. So i am not 100% sure if it is an Enfold issue or more related to Rank Math’s settings.


    Hi Mike,
    it is me again. Could you try to create text other than lorem ipsum.
    Look at your excerpt: there are 3x lorem ipsum.
    Seems like the first two ones are from the table of content.

    The other issue why i have the word “Inhaltsverzeichnis” displayed: the default rank math title “table of contents” seems to be supressed from the excerpt.
    I have changed the english text to “Inhaltsverzeichnis” which will not be suppressed.
    I have openend a ticket in Rank Math’s system for that.

    At the moment the only thing that comes to my mind is to add a expert text manually to the expert box for every article…


    Thanks for the feedback, I had looked for “Table of Contents” to show in the excerpt and when I didn’t see it I thought the TOC links were also not showing, but I see that they are now.
    I’m not sure how to address this other than creating manual excerpts, so I have asked the rest of the team for ideas, I will reply when I hear back, thank you for your patience

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    creating manual excerpt is the solution that came to my mind too.
    I will post the information i hopefully get from the Rank Math team.



    Thanks, perhaps they have a filter that can be added to the child theme functions.php that will only show the TOC on the actual post. I will post any ideas that the team reports.

    Best regards,

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