I have four posts that I want to rotate. I’m trying to do this by calling the masonry post grid, setting it to show two in random order.
But, it always shows the same two.
I have pagination turned off.
Any ideas?
Hey narasopa,
Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?
Best regards,
I there, I’m having this same issue. The “Random” masonry posts are not random.
The site is in private content.
Then, click on any post.
At the bottom, above the related posts section, you’ll see a grid with just two items in it. They are promotions for other lead magnets around the site. There are four of them, and the grid is set to show 2 at a time loaded randomly. It always shows the same two.
We added a filter in the functions.php file but it’s not working so we created a test page on our installation with same settings and the items display randomly. Please deactivate every plugins and remove the modifications in the functions.php file temporarily.
Best regards,