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  • #501781

    I want to ask the following:
    Gallery use with optional Big image with tumbnails bellow.
    In mouse over the image bellow are displayed in the window size Gallery Big preview, a when you click on the image to open modal windows. Could you when you click on the image to open the image in Gallery Big preview window and be able to move forward and back images.

    Best regards:


    Hey sdelibaltov71!

    Your talking about the gallery,

    When you click on both the big image and the small thumbnails it should open them up in a magnific popup which you can scroll between them all, forward and back. Go ahead and take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do so we can get a better idea.



    Hi Elliott,
    I would like to achieve the following:
    In the current situation when the mouse is over the small pictures in the gallery, the main screen displays a small image and increased work correctly.
    Is there an option when you click the mouse on the small izobrazhanie to open the same screen as in the case of the first option, rather than a modal window as now.
    The customer wants to achieve the following version of the visualization:
    When click on the small image to be displayed in the main window.

    Best regarards



    In the /enfold/js/shortcodes.js file on line 2363 you should see this.

    gallery.on('mouseenter','.avia-gallery-thumb a', function()

    Try changing it to this.

    gallery.on('click','.avia-gallery-thumb a', function()

    Best regards,

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