Hi! I’m using the Replete theme (Brilliant theme!) but am having difficulty with the WooCommerce plugin. I’ve added products but want to ask a size and color filter (like the replete demonstration). I’ve checked the WooCommerce Tutorials – http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/user-guide/product-variations/ but it still doesn’t seem to be working. Can offer any help?
Hi sheebah,
Variations are a bit of a mess with woocommerce in my opinion. Once you get it, its simple but getting to that point can be hard.
You need to set up the attribute before even setting up a product. So this part of the docs: http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/user-guide/products-user-guide/setting-up-product-attributes/
Then you can go to the product and from the attributes tab, select which attributes that product has. Then you expand the attribute and add Values that are selectable from the dropdown.
THEN you go to the variations tab and fill out the information for each variation of the product attribute and combination.
This is so helpful. Thank you.
but the link to setting up pruduct attributes is now a 404
I think the url changed to http://docs.woothemes.com/document/product-variations/
Best regards,