For how many domains can i use this theme , when i purcahse from you guys
Hey senthil kumar,
Thank you for contacting us. You can use a single purchase of a theme for 1 domain only. You can refer to theme forest licensing: for more information on it.
Best regards,
What is the price and how will you deliver us the theme?
Thank you for contacting us!
You can check out our premium WordPress themes here.
We would definitely recommend Enfold theme as it is the most powerful, flexible and user-friendly theme we have ever created.
You can import one of the theme demos with a single click in Enfold theme options > Demo Import tab within few seconds and start working on your website right away.
Enfold is currently $60 and you can purchase Enfold here.
Let us know if you have any other questions :)
After paying how will you deliver the theme do you need any hosting or domain details