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  • #859342

    Hi, In some pages, on mobile devices, menu items are showing default lorem impsum text as:

    “Proin ac dolor velit, at dignissim tellus. Praesent lorem justo, viverra nec porta nec, venenatis sed ligula. Integer dapibus facilisis tellus a eleifend. Phasellus at lorem nunc. Ut iaculis, leo eu commodo hendrerit, dolor nulla consectetur metus, ac laoreet mauris justo nec turpis. Duis purus dolor, eleifend nec egestas vel, sollicitudin vel purus. Aenean et urna ut mi iaculis sodales. Cras vel nisi quis eros venenatis commodo a quis enim. Nullam lacinia, libero ac tincidunt cursus, nibh ipsum gravida tellus, ut venenatis nisi mi at urna. Vestibulum scelerisque auctor sapien, vitae elementum tellus tristique id. Nunc consectetur lobortis faucibus. Suspendisse sit amet fermentum risus. Integer quis auctor mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut eleifend rutrum eleifend. Vivamus felis magna, dignissim eget. Suspendisse vitae sagittis mi. Quisque pharetra ipsum et lectus porta quis feugiat neque lacinia. Pellentesque quam urna, ultricies et varius in, tempor vitae lectus. Nulla facilisi. Quisque ullamcorper malesuada purus, ornare tincidunt neque consequat eget. Nullam urna tortor, luctus ut gravida ac, lobortis in sem. Quisque malesuada, tortor id vestibulum dignissim, ipsum risus convallis nisl, ac rutrum arcu nulla at augue. Nullam id eros felis. Quisque lobortis leo vitae mi mattis hendrerit feugiat gravida augue.…”

    However I’ve check menu configuration, and pages texts and are properly written.
    Many Thanks.


    Hey David,

    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Ok here is it



    Thanks for that, if you go to Appearance->Menus and activate the Description (Descripción) field in the Screen Options tab, you will find the text there. Not sure if you want to delete it or just change it to something else.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard!! Solved.

    I have another trouble, after created a child theme enfold-child, I cannot preview the child theme as I’m getting a white screen.
    I’ve downloaded the pre-built child theme available on
    Could I change the child’s name as well?
    Many thanks.


    Hi David,

    Thanks for the feedback. I’m not sure what you mean by previewing the child theme, what exactly are you doing to get that result?

    Yes, you can change the name of the child theme.

    Best regards,


    Solved! :)



    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Many thanks!!
    I’ve got another question the resulting HTML code, on the social networks menu is showing an undefined code on: data-av_icon=””
    I’d like it shows the complete code for the data-av_icon=”WHATSOEVER”


    Hi David,

    Ok, thanks for that. I’m not sure where or how to reproduce that though?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    thanks, take a look at the private info.
    Many thanks. David


    Hi David,

    Thanks for that, though the icons are displaying like they should on my end. Is that is what is not working on your end, or are you referring to something else?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    I’d like that data-av_icon=”” shows the plain code for the icon
    Please note that icons are showing undefined/ html codes on data-av_icon=””
    <element target=”_blank” href=”” aria-hidden=”true” data-av_icon=”” data-av_iconfont=”entypo-fontello” title=”Facebook” class=”__fx-devtools-hide-shortcut__”><span class=”avia_hidden_link_text”>Facebook</span></element>
    Many thanks.



    Where does it say that icons are undefined? If you pass on the plain code, the icons will not render correctly.

    [data-av_icon]:before {
        -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
        -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
        font-weight: normal;
        content: attr(data-av_icon);
        speak: none;

    It’s going to display the character code instead of the icon.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Many thanks. Three more questions regarding load time improvement:
    – Is there some way to pass one the icons as plain HTML code on includes/helper-main-menu.php)?
    – Is there some way to load The social icons by encoding them through BASE64 function on includes/helper-main-menu.php)? ?
    I’ve got a BASE 64 function created on functions.php to encode images like this: <?php base64_encode_image (‘/URL.png’,’png’); ?>
    – How could I load as a plain code the Logo, the standar logo as plain HTML code on includes/helper-main-menu.php)?
    Many thanks again for your job.



    Yes, this is possible but it will require modifications that are beyond the scope of support. Please hire a freelance developer or contact our partner, Codeable. If you did manage to implement this, the affect on the overall loading speed will be very minimal or none at all.

    Best regards,

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