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  • #1353951

    Where I can change the preset colors of th progress bar?
    For example,
    –wp–preset–color–white #ffffff
    i want to chenge on violet.

    Also i want to change the name of this color in the administration panel.

    Is it possible?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by vicpvic.

    if you open that progress-bar alb element – you see this –

    both entries could be clicked again – and a new popup will arise. On this you have the styling mode of each progress par – including colors

    Guess the default color will be the theme-color – and this is set on enfold options : general styling : primary color
    ( this is dependent on if the element is main content or alternate content etc. )

    2) what do you mean by admin panel – what do you like to change there ?
    Do you mean on dashboard – users – your profile: the admin color scheme ?


    if you are familiar with developer tools you can inspect even the admin window on your browser to get the selectors used there.
    with a snippet in your child-theme functions.php you can change the admin area as you like:


    function admin_head_mod() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
    	#adminmenu, #adminmenuback, #adminmenuwrap { background: #431781;}
    	// … and more rules
    add_action('admin_head', 'admin_head_mod');

    There are only presets and i cant add custom color. But i need to add the color which doesn’t exist in this list f.e. yellow, brown and violet. So my idea – to change colours of the few of presets colours.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by vicpvic.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by vicpvic.

    you can create your own custom color set online here:

    the snippet comes to your child-theme functions.php
    and the downloaded css file in your root directory of your child-theme ( where the style.css of your child-theme is located )

    i do not know where your dropdown list ( from your screenshot ) can be seen. Is it a plugin you use for that ?

    I do set up the admin color schemes on Users – Profile – go to your profile then and choose now the custom profile:


    now i know what is your request. ( it would be better to have an english screenshot on that ) hard to read for a german user your image
    the list of those colors to choose is in class-popup-templates.php

    at lines 1473ff there is an array: colored:

    $colored = array(
    	__( 'Theme Color', 'avia_framework' )			=> $theme_col_key,
    	__( 'Theme Color Highlight', 'avia_framework' )	=> 'theme-color-highlight',
    	__( 'Theme Color Subtle', 'avia_framework' )	=> 'theme-color-subtle',
    	__( 'White', 'avia_framework' )		=> 'white',
    	__( 'Blue', 'avia_framework' )		=> 'blue',
    	__( 'Red',  'avia_framework' )		=> 'red',
    	__( 'Green', 'avia_framework' )		=> 'green',
    	__( 'Orange', 'avia_framework' )	=> 'orange',
    	__( 'Aqua', 'avia_framework' )		=> 'aqua',
    	__( 'Teal', 'avia_framework' )		=> 'teal',
    	__( 'Purple', 'avia_framework' )	=> 'purple',
    	__( 'Pink', 'avia_framework' )		=> 'pink',
    	__( 'Silver', 'avia_framework' )	=> 'silver',
    	__( 'Grey', 'avia_framework' )		=> 'grey',
    	__( 'Black', 'avia_framework' )		=> 'black',

    but these are only for named colors
    but i do not know if there is a child-theme method to add to that dropdown-list some custom colors.
    maybe the filter : avf_alb_popup_templates_named_colors could be used for that


    Thanks for helping Guenni007, I asked the Dev Team how to use the filter to change the colors for the progress bar element and they said that the progress bar only supports the given colors hardcoded in CSS, so to change the colors we will need override with css like this, for example the white option to violet:

    .white-bar .bar {
    	background: violet;

    vicpvic can see the supported colors names in this file:
    \enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\progressbar\progressbar.css staring on line 108
    The Dev Team has opened a dev issue for this and hopefully in a future update there will be a way to easily customize the colors, for now this is the recommended solution.

    Best regards,


    Mike, Guenni007, thanks a lot! I used the way with CSS. The names was changed in the translation module. RGB is working too.

    .silver-bar .bar {
        background: #E3A88D;

    Glad we were able to help, thanks Guenni007, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,



    For your information: Options will be added in 5.0 (or the following release) to select custom colors.

    Best regards,

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