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  • #611144


    I’m trying to turn off the animation of progress bars on my homepage. I checked some of the previous posts and found these two CSS lines:

    .avia-progress-bar div.progress .bar { animation: none !important; }
    .avia_transform .avia-progress-bar div.progress.avia_start_animation .bar-outer { -webkit-animation: none !important; -moz-animation: none !important; animation: none !important; }

    The second one works, however the bars still show one by one in the progress bar box. In other words, animation is not slowly increasing bar, but a simple shift from no bar to bar. What do I need to do to simply show the final progress bar image?


    Hey Iztok!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .avia_transform #top div.progress .bar-outer {
        width: 100%;

    Best regards,


    Worked like a charm, thanks. I would love to keep the animation, but it becomes annoying if you need to wait for it to load each time.

    By the way, is there anything similar I can add in CSS for Google Maps pins (same page, link provided)?



    are you using any plugin for your Google Maps? can you provide us admin access please? so we can take a closer look into it? post login details here as private reply.

    Best regards,


    No plugin for Google Maps is used. I raised the matter of providing you with admin access with colleagues, will get back to you soon. But I honestly thought some CCS can solve the issue.



    You have to modify the js > shortcodes.js file. Look for this code around line 596:

    animation: google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE,

    Remove it.



    Thanks, but this solves only part of my problem. The markers are now not bouncing, but they are still shown one at a time. What I’m after is a map with all the markers shown immediately when you open a page.



    Replace the block of code starting from line 581 to 617:

    var marker = "";
    							if(!_self.$data.marker[key] || !_self.$data.marker[key].long || !_self.$data.marker[key].long)
    								$.avia_utilities.log('Latitude or Longitude for single marker missing', 'map-error');
    							_self.$data.LatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(_self.$data.marker[key].lat, _self.$data.marker[key].long);
    							var markerArgs = {
    			        		  flat: false,
    						      position: _self.$data.LatLng,
    						      title: _self.$data.marker[key].address,
    						      optimized: false
    						    //set a custom marker image if available. also set the size and reduce the marker on retina size so its sharp
    						    if(_self.$data.marker[key].icon && _self.$data.marker[key].imagesize)
    						    	var size = _self.$data.marker[key].imagesize, half = "", full = "";
    						    	if(_self.retina && size > 40) size = 40;			//retina downsize to at least half the px size
    						    	half = new google.maps.Point(size / 2, size ) ; 	//used to position the marker
    						    	full = new google.maps.Size(size , size ) ; 		//marker size
    						    	markerArgs.icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(_self.$data.marker[key].icon, null, null, half, full);
    			        		marker = new google.maps.Marker(markerArgs);
    			        		marker.setAnimation(null); _self._infoWindow(, marker, _self.$data.marker[key]);

    We remove the setTimeout function.



    Worked like a charm. Many thanks for this.



    Glad it worked. Please create a note or a change log of this modification in case you update the theme.

    Best regards,

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