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  • #1440517

    Hallo @Kriesi

    seit kurzem werden auf die Produktbilder in einer neuen Seite geladen statt in der Vorschau. Auf der neuen Seite ist auch kein Exit oder < > um weiter zukommen.

    Wo kann ich das denn ändern?

    Michael F.


    Hey Michael F,

    I don’t fully understand the problem you are having, could you give us further instructions on how to reproduce the problem on your site please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ricard!

    Here is a link to a screencast of my problem- First i thought it has to do with a plugin, but after trying everything like deactivating updates & Co. I think it could have to do with the theme …???
    Michael F



    Thanks for the login details, something seems to be blocking access to the login page though. Maybe a firewall or country blocker? Also, I can’t see a screencast in your last reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ricard,

    your are right! Rikard, I forgot.

    Sweden and Philippines are now allowed, but strange i can not allow USA in this Plugin: IP2Location Country Blocker
    Any Idea?
    Thanks Micahel F



    Thanks for that, access to your site is working now. I still don’t understand the problem you are having though, and the screencast you referred earlier is not posted anywhere in this thread.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for that. What happens if you deactivate all plugins except Woo? You might want to copy the site to a staging area if you don’t want to debug on the live site.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the update, we’ll keep this thread open for you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard!

    I am back from hospital and now ready to work again.
    I also spoke to, because i found out, that the problem also has to do with their “Min Max Quantity and Order plugin”. At least it is one problem that is solved. But the asked me to talk to you, because when their plugin is enabled, the following error is generated on the console and they think it has to do with the theme???:

    ;var aviaJS=aviaJS||{};(function(){‘use strict’;if(!aviaJS.aviaJSHelpers){class aviaJSHelpers{constructor(){this.wpHooks()};debounce(callback,wait,immediate){var i;return function(){var e=this,s=arguments,t=function(){i=null;if(!immediate){callback.apply(e,s)}},l=immediate&&!i;clearTimeout(i);i=setTimeout(t,wait);if(l){callback.apply(e,s)}}};wpHooks(){if(window[‘wp’]&&wp.hooks){return};if(!window[‘wp’]){window[‘wp’]={hooks:{}}};let obj=window[‘wp’].hooks;obj.applyFilters=this.wpHooks_applyFilters;obj.doAction=this.wpHooks_applyFilters;obj.hasFilter=this.wpHooks_hasFilters;obj.hasAction=this.wpHooks_hasFilters};wpHooks_applyFilters(handle,value){return value};wpHooks_hasFilters(handle,namespace){return!1}};aviaJS.aviaJSHelpers=new aviaJSHelpers()};if(!aviaJS.aviaPlugins){class aviaPlugins{plugins=[];defaultPlugin={classFactory:null,selector:”};constructor(){this.plugins=[]};register(classFactory,selector){if(‘function’!=typeof classFactory){return!1};let newPlugin=Object.assign({},this.defaultPlugin);if(‘string’!=typeof selector){selector=’body’};newPlugin.classFactory=classFactory;newPlugin.selector=selector;this.plugins.push(newPlugin);this.check_bind()};check_bind(){if(document.readyState===’complete’){this.bind_plugins()}
    else{document.addEventListener(‘readystatechange’,this.bind_plugins.bind(this))}};bind_plugins(e){if(document.readyState!==’complete’){return};let plugins=this.plugins;this.plugins=[];for(let plugin of plugins){let elements=document.querySelectorAll(plugin.selector);for(let element of elements){plugin.classFactory(element)}}}};aviaJS.aviaPlugins=new aviaPlugins()}})();



    Thank you for the info.

    You may need to check this thread:

    The plugin might be conflicting with the theme’s custom quantity button. This can be fixed by editing the enfold/config-woocommerce/woocommerce-mod.js file and removing this code around line 131:


    Best regards,

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