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  • #887876


    We are using Woocommerce and noticed a bug/error in the configuration of the theme template.
    We are using a ‘variable product’, but when selecting different images for each variation of the product (product variations). The product variation images do not show in the front end. The strange thing is that when the (featured) product image is removed, then the product variation images do show. But of course we need the main product image to be set, since this image shows in the webshop overview. And it shows as initial image for the product (so when there are no options chosen and the drop down shows the no selection state ‘make a choice’).

    Can you look into this and let us know how we can resolve this?

    We tested this in a similar webshop configuration, but with another theme and there it works like expected.


    Hey hotspot,

    Can we see please your store as a sample and the second shop also, so we can match the reviews?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Below the links to the 2 stores.
    please advise



    Please go to the Enfold > Shop Options panel. Set the “Product gallery” settings to the second option.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I am having this exact same issue. I’ve tried your recommendation of changing Enfold > Shop Options > to both default enfold product gallery & woocommerce 3.0 product gallery. Neither resolve the issue. You can view a test product online below

    If you change the “color” variation you’ll see the product image isn’t changing even though each variation has it’s own seperate image. For grins I switched to default “Twentyseventeen” theme and the function works successfully. It’s something within the theme thats overriding woocommerce thats causing this issue. Please advise, thanks.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by aphadmin. Reason: wanted link to be private


    : Please provide the login details to the site so that we can check the settings. Did you purge the cache after changing the settings?

    Best regards,


    Yes I purged cache after changing settings. Even tried different browsers and even different devices. Still same issue. See credentials below, thanks.



    Did you add the product variations manually? You have to create product attributes first.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I’m concerned you’re not actually looking at this problem. I provided login information, you could have easily logged in and seen that the attributes already exist for the variable product.

    The issue is not Woocommerce, the issue is this theme. Please look into this with an unbias eye. The simple test of switching to default twentyseventeen theme and function working properly proves the issue is with theme. Please escalate to 2nd level theme support.



    I’m concerned you’re not actually looking at this problem. I

    There are no product attributes in your installation. The current product variations are created manually. Is that correct? You have to add some product attributes like “color” or “size” and then from that product attributes, generate the product variations.


    Best regards,


    Dear kriesi support,

    Can someone please assist Ismael on the issue i’m experiencing with your theme? Lets knip this issue in the butt so it doesn’t escalate more than needed.

    The product example in question can be viewed here
    If you were to login to the backend of this product you can CLEARLY see there are attributes for example “Color” and “Size”. Please see the screenshot here

    The VARIABLE product has ATTRIBUTES for both COLOR and SIZE and are checked for USED FOR VARIATIONS. The problem has NOTHING to do with the product and/or the product’s configuration. The issue doesn’t exist on Twentyseventeen theme, only on Enfold. PLEASE ADVISE!!



    I’m sorry for the confusion. It turned out that the issue is caused by the mailchimp script or widget in the footer column 2. It creates an error which affects the product variation. We deactivated the widget temporarily.

    Best regards,


    Can you please explain why that is causing issues only using the enfold theme? Ultimately the subscribe to newsletter widget was there for a reason, so people so subscribe to the newsletter. Removing the widget and not addressing the underlying issue within the theme is unacceptable. Please advise.



    I’ve been experiencing the same issues as aphadmin. I’ve deactivated every single plugin except WooCommerce but the problem still persists. I’m using the newest version of Enfold (4.2.4) and WooCommerce (3.3.3).

    I had to downgrade back to Enfold 4.2.3 so my variation images will work.

    I’ll be following this thread until a solution arises.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by abskevin.

    There is definitely something in the theme that is causing this problem. Simply want theme support to simply acknowledge the issue, take extreme ownership of the problem it’s causing more than 1 customer, and investigate. Thanks in advance support.



    Yes, we do all those ( acknowledge, take extreme ownership etc ) and we have defined where the issue is
    so we have reported the issue to our developers and they will do take a look at it.

    Thank you

    Best regards,


    Thank you Basilis, I appreciate your reply and for putting our minds at ease. As long as you’re aware and are looking into it, thats all we can ask of you. Have a great day!



    Thank you for your kind words!
    We will keep update through the change log!

    Best regards,


    Hi Aphadmin, I don’t know if you’ve tried it but the recent update of Enfold and WooCommerce has fixed the variation image issues I had.


    Hi abskevin,

    Glad to hear that!

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Actually, as a result of abskevin’s advice, I realized that the Child Theme folder of WooCommerce (with a few custom files/overwrites contained within) must have been out of date, so I updated it, along with following Ismael’s recommendation of changing the Product Gallery to the “WooCommerce 3.0 Product Gallery” option, and it corrected the issue.

    However, on my end, you must use the “WooCommerce 3.0 Product Gallery” to be able to view the Product Variation Images. Unfortunately, by choosing the “WooCommerce 3.0 Product Gallery” option, this changes the behavior of the Lightbox Modal Window of the image. The user can only utilize a hovering magnifying glass approach instead of being able to click and enlarge the image as a whole (clicking the Magnifying Icon does nothing). While I like the Magnifying Cursor Approach, is there a way to make the Magnifying Glass Icon-enlarge the image as a whole (it’s clickable but does nothing? I appreciate your time!



    : Please try this code in the functions.php file.

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'ava_remove_custom_gallery', 100 );
    function ava_remove_custom_gallery() { 
        remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' );
        remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-lightbox' );

    It’s going to disable the default zoom and lightbox feature.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for the response- it’s good to be back in contact with you all. I didn’t notice any changes in the behavior after adding the code to the functions.php file.

    All of my products are set up the same and you can review one, for example, at the following link:



    : Thank you for the update. Please create a new ticket and post the site url with the login credentials. We would like to check it.

    Best regards,


    I will certainly do that. Thanks!



    Awesome. We will close this thread for now. :)

    Best regards,

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