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  • #445317

    Hi guys,

    So I’m trying to customize the size of my product thumbnails relative their column containers (have more padding or width around the pics) and as per this thread:

    I’m using this CSS:

    #top .thumbnail_container img {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 240px;
    position: relative;

    It does work, but the problem is when the “hover effect” for the product thumbnail is enabled, the product page display is messed up- basically there is a blank space showing above the main product thumbnail. When this blank space is moused over, what would be the next pic to be displayed upon hover shows up.

    When the hover effect is turned off, the page displays normally, with the desired padding.

    The question then is: is there a way to have the custom padding AND the hover effect enabled in a way that displays normally (i.e. not having the blank space above the main product photo)?

    Hope this makes sense- I’ll leave the product hover enabled on the link I’m attaching so you can see what I mean. You’ll notice the top part of the page is blank, but when moused over, the pics appear.

    Thanks, you coding rockstars! Best theme ever.


    Hey tschlicting!

    Please change your code to following one

    #top .thumbnail_container img {
      padding-right: 30%;

    If that does not help, please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make so we can provide you another solution

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit!

    So I tried that and it did indeed fix the problem, the hover effect functions normally, but the images were no longer centered in the page, so as an experiment I modified it to this:

    #top .thumbnail_container img {
    padding-right: 10%; padding-left:10%;

    And it seems to work perfectly. Excellent! Thank you for the help and keep up the great work! : )



    You are welcome, glad we could help! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)

    Best regards,

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