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  • #879441

    It seems sorting only works when I select a specific sorting method, for example by price, the product grid is sorted by price descending. But if I click sorting arrow to sort it ascending page refreshed but still sort descending. Same applies for all other sorting method.
    I’ve tried disable all plugins other than Woocommerce, doesn’t help.
    Login url supplied in the private content.


    Hey zhoupc,

    Please, can you check the credentials again? Because I tried to access and they are wrong.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    I’ve checked the login details they all working. Which one doesn’t work for you? I noticed this forum add http in front of ftp server address, try connect with just the ftp server name without http. Also notice the capital letters in the password.


    Hi zhoupc,

    I could not check, got a 404 on all your links. Have you moved the website?

    Best regards,


    The site has been moved to production, URL in below. You can use the same account to check. Please DO NOT change anything that will break the site.


    No takers?



    I’m sorry for the late response. We set the Woocommere > Settings > Products > “Default product sorting” settings to default. It’s working now.

    Best regards,


    Great it’s working now, Thanks. Interestingly this option can affect sorting ability.



    Glad we could help. We’ll close the thread now. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else.

    Best regards,

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