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  • #791694

    Hello, I see myself in the situation to reopen this topic:

    Whatever I have done there solved only the first view of the slider (the first bunch of products displayed) and when its starts rotating its appearing again on 2 pages.

    I tried the following:
    – uploading Enfold via ftp
    – using Enfold parent theme (in order to disregard all customization from the child)
    – deactivated all plugins and dropins

    In a desperate attempt I have installed a fresh new WordPress + Woocommerce + Enfold + Demo Content and, it is true there the slider has no problem. I tried to go through settings (CSS, product display, any other customization that would have to do with product display) but without any success… if required I will set up a test environment where we could investigate together…

    I would appreciate any help here as I am running out of solutions… :(


    i have set up the test system. details are in private


    Hi vladbejenaru,

    Could you please specify the page, where you have the slider in question?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    On the home page, the product slider that is below the new articles on the blog. Try and scroll it right or left.
    Also on the links below.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by vladbejenaru.


    What product slider are u using there?
    Have you done any custom CSS?

    I load it and I can see that there are 2 each time on top and then 3 below, so most probably it is something from the CSS or any JS that is conflicting
    Can you disable the plugins as a test please?

    Best regards,


    Hello Basil,

    Here are the answers:
    1. this is the product slider i am using, the one from Avia:
    2. the only custom css that I have is:

    #top #payment .terms {
    	padding: 0 1em;
    	text-align: left;

    3. custom JS, besides what is coming with the plugins I am not using. I both disabled and deleted the plugins and there is no change. I also tried to use the parent theme, again with no result. Since this seems to be so persistent I am also considering some problems with the cache. For the moment I am using SG Optimizer from siteground, but also Photon from Jetpack… Can there be any connection?



    Hi vladbejenaru,

    I don’t think it’s a good idea to use script concatenation and minimization on a test instance until you’re ready to roll out the website, or use it at all.
    This is the rule that get’s applied on other pages and makes all other products go to the next line.

    .products .product.first {
        clear: both;

    You can try to override it with this code:

    .avia-builder-el-16 .products .product.first {
        clear: none;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria and thanks for the support!

    Indeed the additional CSS makes things better: now the products are not jumping on 2 lines anymore. Nevertheless there are still instances of the slider with only n-1 or n-2 products (i.e. 3 or 4 instead of 5).

    If I would understand correctly what you wrote this kind of error could be generated by minifying CSS… for this I use better wordpress minify. Now I have disable the minify options and purged plugin cache + purged main cache + deactivated the plugin. If this would be the culprit than now the slider should display ok… but this is not the case: one product is not displayed on the right side, see here:


    Hi vladbejenaru,

    No, unfortunately, this kind of issue is not generated by the caching plugin. This issue is with the query that gets products from database. That needs more investigation.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria! Can you point me into any direction?



    That is a bit outside from our support policy.
    We would suggest you hire a freelancer who will be able to help you with the problem better.

    We hope for your understanding.

    Thank you very much

    Best regards,



    I have talked with a freelancer and after investigations one of the conclusion was the following:
    In the file themes/enfold/css/shortcodes.css on line 1874 the following element is defined

    .avia-content-slider-active .slide-entry-wrap {

    This element seems to hide the products that are not visible on the first row, but is also hiding the last element from the first row of products from the slider.

    Can someone from you help me into investigating a little bit this issue?

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by vladbejenaru.

    Hi vladbejenaru,

    There are 9 lists of products on the front page slider. The code that freelancer showed you gets changed by Javascript to show each list as a slide of products. I checked today, I saw a list with only 4 elements, not 5 and one hidden, but only 4, and they are the second slide, and some other slides have only 3 elements. The query that gets products from database needs to be debugged.

    Best regards,


    I am sorry, but I am a little bit disorientated as I am not getting entirely the meaning of your reply (it might be that I am technically not getting it…)

    on the other hand on my test environment (which is a copy of productive, see access details in my first post), with all plugings deactivated except woocommerce and using the parent theme I still have this problem… such settings (deactivating the customization from other plugins and from the child theme) should be a pretty clean environment, and nevertheless I still have this problem….

    In this case is something broken in wordpress, in woocommerce or in enfold? or is there something custom that I did not manage to remove that is affecting the slider?


    Hi vladbejenaru,

    I think you should install this plugin on your test server:
    This way we will be able to see the queries that the slider makes to the database.

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria, I am sorry but I do not understand (as I said, I might be also a bit technically overrun as I do not know what exactly should I check in this SQL query).
    For me an environment with wordpress, woocommerce and enfold (parent theme) should function. (theoretically) There is no other thing that should hinder the functionality… that is why I am asking for your support. Or am I wrong?

    In the private area I have placed the link to a blank simple page from my environment mentioned above (wp+wc+enfold only): no header, no footer, no sidebars, only a product slider which is not functioning…

    As I am seeing also from the other topic ( I am not the only one facing the issue. So for a certain combination your theme is throwing errors. I assume that also for you would be interesting to solve the issue, as there might be other users there that have the same problem but did not noticed it (for example first line of slider is showing 4 instead of 5 products and they are not testing anymore)…
    On the other hand, I see that the person that started the other topic does not have anymore the problem, although, when I have posted in that topic, he was still having it… I would ask him directly how he solved but the topic is closed…


    I am still testing on my side, what I have done is that I have freshly via FTP uploaded WordPress, Woocommerce and endfold. From the site I have kept only the database and the uploads directory. No change :(

    In my opinion at this moment these could be the culprits: the database, enfold or a combination…

    I would like to mention that I have problem also with the product grid and the product list. In private area are links to pages and also print screens…

    Any support is highly appreciated… Thank you!


    Dear Kriesi support team,

    I want to let you know that after hiring a expert I have solved the problem: your masonry elements are selecting and bringing from the database the products that are not anymore available (not on stock). Afterwards the elements are not displaying this products but only the empty spaces. The only exception is the product list which is displaying also the not available products.

    I do not find normal that such a thing is not documented and not clearly explained. I also do not find normal that I should hire an expert in order to solve me a problem that lies with your product.

    I would like to be contacted by you to eventually further discuss this.

    On the other hand I do not find normal that such elements are selecting products that are not on stock. From my point of view, I want to leave this products on the site for the case when the users have them bookmarked, for SEO optimization, and for the cases when the products are coming back on stock. I consider that the elements should select from the database only the products that are available on stock. Will you take this development into consideration?

    Thank you,
    Vlad Bejenaru


    Hi Vlad,

    Thank you for sharing your findings! I agree that the functionality is not perfect and need improvements. I will report this issue to our developers.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,



    I want to let you know that after hiring a expert I have solved the problem: your masonry elements are selecting and bringing from the database the products that are not anymore available (not on stock).

    If you want to exclude out of stock items from the masonry element, please use the following filter.

    add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_masonry_entries_query_mod', 10, 2);
    function avia_masonry_entries_query_mod($query, $params) {
    	$query['meta_query'] = array(
                'key' => '_stock_status',
                'value' => 'instock'
                'key' => '_backorders',
                'value' => 'no'
    	return $query;



    Hello @Ismael and thanks for the workaround. I will try it in the next days as throwing products in the recycle bin is not functioning (any product that goes out of stock will generate this further on, until I am deleting it).

    What I find bad, and I also did not see it addressed is the fact that this topic is not documented (as you can see somebody else also had this problem, maybe you can also let him know that is addressed and which are the options – see link from my first post on this topic) and that I had to hire a expert to solve this for me…


    Dear @Ismael, the workaround you provide is not working. I have added the code you gave in the functions.php of the child theme. Here are some results:

    View post on

    View post on

    The test is done on a blank Enfold Shop Demo, with following settings:
    – Blue Blouse: enable stock management, stock quantity 0, do not allow backorders
    woocommerce -> Products -> Inventory: Out of stock visibility (x) Hide out of stock items from the catalog [Enabled: i.e. out of stock products are not visible]

    Please advise. Thank you!

    backoffice pics:
    functions php:

    View post on

    product setup:

    View post on

    woocommerce inventory settings:

    View post on

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by vladbejenaru.


    Do you have any variations for those products? The filter is based on the “Stock status” settings so you have to set each variations’ “Stock status” individually. Don’t forget to enable the “Manage stock?” option first.

    Best regards,


    Hello @Ismael, I have changed the product to simple, with 0 stock and do not allow back orders and the slider still malfunctions (same behavior).



    Did you set the “Stock status”? I believe you’re referring to the Stock quantity. Please set the Stock status to “Out of stock”.

    Best regards,


    yep, it set to “out of stock”:

    View post on



    I checked the Products panel and there is only one product that is out of stock, it’s called “Rosé de Purcari 2015”. It’s not displaying in the Product Grid as expected.


    Best regards,


    Hallo @ismael, please check the grid in the link below. Scroll first 4 products: on the second slide one product is missing. Scroll once more: products are displayed on 2 rows.

    btw. the example that I gave you, was on a fresh downloaded enfold shop demo setup. The link that you have put in your post is from a system that did not had your customization. Now I have added it also there, but unfortunately, still no change.



    I’m sorry but I’m a bit confused. Do you want the out of stock items to not display in the grid or product slider? If you do then there’s no issue because it’s not displaying in the grid even without the suggested modification.


    Best regards,


    Dear Ismael,

    I am also confused. As mentioned when a product is out of stock the masonry misbehaves, as follows:

    1. the masonry first leaves empty place for the out of stock products (i.e. out of stock products are not displayed, but they are still taken in consideration in the query and blanks are displayed instead of the product itself)
    Example here:

    View post on

    The product slider should of have here 4 products, but only 3 are displayed since one of them is out of stock!

    2. the next selection (slide) after an out of stock product is displayed on 2 lines
    Example here:

    View post on

    The product slider should of displayed 4 products in a row. Since this slide is coming after a slide with an out of stock product the products from this slide are displayed on 2 rows

    3. The workaround that you provided is not correcting the 2 above pointed issues.

    i hope right now I made myself clear. You can check this behavior in the link below, as follows:
    – first slide is correctly displayed. up to here there is no product out of stock
    – second slide displays only 3 products out of 4 since one product is out of stock (as you also mentioned, this is the Rose de Purcari)
    – third slide is displayed on 2 lines

    what I want is a possibility that the query for the slider not to get the out of stock products. looking at your workaround it seems that this is the intention but is not functioning. of course I can delete the out of stock products to eliminate this misbehavior but I would not like to do this as (some) of the products are coming back on stock and also the out of stock products help me with SEO and with the clients bookmarks.

    I hope that I manage to explain the issue. If not please let me know what is still unclear.

    Thank you,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by vladbejenaru.
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