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  • #1155491

    After upgrading Enfold the product page tabs got all messed up:

    These are all supposed to be lined up horizontally over the text box, not vertically like this. Also you can see the rendering is totally off on some of these. I’m using the “WooCommerce Custom Tabs” plugin for two of these tabs.

    Is this is a known issue? Any suggestions for fixing?


    Hey FierceElements,

    Sorry for the problem. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    #top div div.product .woocommerce-tabs ul.tabs li a { 
      white-space: nowrap !important; 

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,
    I have the same problem since updating Woocommerce plugin this morning.
    Your workaround above seems not to work. anything else I could try?
    Thanks Frank

    update: actually works for me too, thx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by tradefab.

    That CSS worked for me. It’s fixed now. Thank you Rikard.



    Great, I’m glad that you got it working and sorry again for the problem. This fix should be included in the next release of the theme.

    Best regards,


    Thanks a lot! Will there a fix in a future update?


    Hey RENZCOM,

    As Rikard mentioned, this should be fixed in an update.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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