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  • #804077

    I created a custom WOO commerce page per this article and following the recommended approach int he link below
    The resulting page is visible but certain widgets like the price filter and custom attributes were not showing.
    After additional tests, I found that when I change the WOO commerce settings page to this custom shop page it does the following:
    1. Completely distorts the page design
    2. It now additional shows the pricing filter which is previously not visible if this page is not the WOO commerce shopping page
    3. It shows the attributes product filter to allow for filtering

    Custom WooCommerce Shop Overview with Advanced Layout Editor

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by hingex.

    Looking forward to a response Kriesi support. Thank you



    Sorry for the late reply!

    I tried a few things however neither worked. If you could please elaborate on the changes you would like to make, we might be able to come up with an alternative solution. To me, it seems like, only change on Shop overview page is Grid Row element on top of the page. Are there any other changes you made?

    Best regards,


    Yigit, I agree that the only change is the Grid Row element at the top but shopb page is not functioning or rendering correctly like shop page (WOO commerce default page). On the right sidebar, Shopb does not show the product attributes via the widget. It also does not show the price filter on the right sidebar so there are discrepancies like this. It only shows these if it is changed to the the WOO commerce shop page. In summary, customization is not fully possible for either the default WordPress page or the custom page I created and the workaround provided is one that is in beta. I ma referring tot he workaround that allows one to edit the default WOO commerce shop page.



    I reverted the changes you made and then added the code i pasted in private content field into functions.php file in Appearance > Editor.
    I hope this is what you were looking for. Now there is Grid Row element on top of shop page and widgets are displaying/working correctly :)

    Best regards,


    Yigit, I am reviewing this to confirm functionality and will consult with my backend developer. In the meantime, there is a space below the grid so it is not exactly the same as the shopb page.



    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .woocommerce #av-layout-grid-1 .avia-image-container {
        margin-bottom: 0;

    Best regards,


    Yigit, the solution you provided involves editing the functions .php and susceptible to changes. This is not best practice. If this si the only solution then the child-theme is better because it’s easier to apply CSS styles there. Additionally, this code is static and not editable in tis current state so more of a “hack-fix” versus a viable production solution.



    That is true. As a solution for that problem, you can use this plugin – and create a custom field where you would be able to insert shortcodes of the elements you would like to display above your shop overview page and change the code in functions.php file to following one

    add_action( 'ava_after_main_container', 'cs_ava_after_main_container', 10);
    function cs_ava_after_main_container(){
    $custom_shortcode_field = get_field('your_custom_field_name');
           echo do_shortcode($custom_shortcode_field);

    That way, you can simply change the shortcode inside your custom field and that would be displayed on top of your shop page

    Best regards,

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